Eating pink cupcakes too....
Eating pink cupcakes too....
Chick bro, y u dissin me again especially in front of my homeboy, HIA? You can't be doing that shit in front of my subordinates; in dis gang, I am at the top of the chain of command and you can't be undermining me in front of the dumb muscle.
How about this......go eat shit.
Lulz, naw dawg.
LR, just curious here: can you post a picture / link to a picture of your ideal woman, appearance-wise? You don't have to like her as a person, I'm just curious as to what your ideal physical type is.
Oddly enough, I'd pick a girl I once hooked up with over any celebrity: this girl had a nice pair, really sweet face, pretty eyes..
I'll think of a celeb that matches what you're asking, though. It might take a little while.
Ok, thanks - doesn't have to be a celebrity, just any picture will do (you can try a google image search writing "brunette girl" or something).
Oooo I'm interested to know too! (Being nosy right now)
Well, I can't find a pic but my preference is brunette or any darker hair (dislike girls with lighter hair, especially blonde), not flat, with hazel eyes (dislike girls with blue eyes) and short.
Hm that's not really what I was most curious about... you sure you can't find even one pic? I'll try:
Lower chick is extremely hot. Which is bothersome and thus I wouldn't consider her ideal; she looks too wild. Top chick is very very nice looking, physically and the kind of personality one could surmise she probably has.
Ok, that's what I wanted to know :-). It's kind of strange though, the first woman looks smart, yet you seem to only be attracted to stupid, shallow girls in "real life"... hm.
Lol, well it isn't as though I didn't say the first chick wasn't attractive..she actually is very much. But there's hot and there's cute.
She is hot because she IS wild, seductive (mouth open) in a one friend told me, he wants a girl that is slutty, but only a slut to him and one else.
For most guys that would be the case, but the comparison I'm drawing here is her face is just more pretty than the top girl's.