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Thread: Things are too confusing!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Things are too confusing!

    Well, hello everyone!

    So I'm having a massive dilemma with men lately and, considering I can't speak to my friends anymore, I jumped on Love Forum for some good old advice!

    When it comes to men, I think it's safe to say I have NO luck whatsoever - men don't fancy me, not even a little! I'm only nineteen and whilst my friends are kissing men in bars or at least flirting, I'm sat in the corner drinking myself silly. However just after my nineteenth birthday, I decided to give myself a little make over. I bought a wardrobe full of new clothes, re-vamped my hair AND opted for more make-up than normal. Things definitely changed for me.

    Now I'm sent messages through Facebook and approached in clubs. And three men have come along at once! This is were my dilemma starts.

    All three men are great guys; good-looking, caring, pretty funny to talk to and I have the advantage that I've known them for years. The first one is Adam, a guy I went to school with and who plays football. He's quite clingy unlike the others and often speaks as though we're together. However how he speaks to me often makes me feel uncomfortable. Remember, I'm not used to male attention so crude comments are something I do NOT like.

    Then there's James; the man I've known the longest. We're practically best friends with one another. We've dated before but it was never anything serious. Now he has a girlfriend but often tells me and our mutual friends that he would like to be with me. I've never been one to go after a guy whose taken but there's something about James, something I will NEVER find in another man.

    Last is Ross and quite frankly, he's the most lovely out of all three. He's hilarious and definitely knows how to treat a woman. However he's totally shy, giving that he's only ever had one girlfriend in his life. And I know dating him would be tough because I'd constantly have to suggest things or make the first move.

    And to make matters worse all three guys are disliked by my friends for one reason or another!

    I guess it should be an easy decision on who I'd like to pursue but it isn't! All three guys are great and just as good as the next. I was just wondering, maybe coming from an older persons point of view, what would you do?

    Because I'm stuck completely!


    Natalie! xo
    Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NatalieJaynexo View Post
    The first one is Adam, a guy I went to school with and who plays football. He's quite clingy unlike the others and often speaks as though we're together. However how he speaks to me often makes me feel uncomfortable.
    It sounds like he creeps you out - he would creep me out too, if he talked as if we were together when in fact we weren't. And you feel uncomfortable when talking to him - imagine going through a whole date with him... he's not the one for you.

    Then there's James; the man I've known the longest. We're practically best friends with one another. We've dated before but it was never anything serious. Now he has a girlfriend but often tells me and our mutual friends that he would like to be with me.
    HUGE red flag right there. He isn't even capable of being in a relationship - why on Earth would you want to be with someone as dishonest and disrespectful as him?

    Last is Ross and quite frankly, he's the most lovely out of all three. He's hilarious and definitely knows how to treat a woman. However he's totally shy, giving that he's only ever had one girlfriend in his life. And I know dating him would be tough because I'd constantly have to suggest things or make the first move.
    He sounds adorable... I would definitely "pick" him. Dating him may be tough the first few times, but his shyness will subside once he gets to know you better and feels more comfortable with you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    If I was in your place , id go for ross. Relationships with shy guys are always sort of awkward in the beggining but once you guys get to know each other these are the relationships which last long . I have been in realtionshipa with shy guys and if the guy doesnt approach u , and if u guys are close , dont hesitate from telling him that you feel sexually attracted to him or watever. Ive told my boyfriend hes a lousy kisser , infact hes learnt now :'D hahaha... . ross sounds adorable , kind , caring AND wont go around flirting with other girls , what else do u neeed ? Go for him

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Did u just call us old?????????????

    Your topic is funny. And i like the changes u make like update yourself.
    Even thou i dont think u need make up fr that.

    But i think u mean 2 guys! Cause if the one is already taken it should
    not be in your list.

    Maybe none of them is what u want/
    There r more then 2 single men in the world.
    So maybe u should take time and look around more and just get too
    know people, without getting in a relationship with them.

    Till u find that one person.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    And be not overwhelm cause guys starts coming your way.And think u have too
    jump right away into it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    which one do you feel will be a good husband-to-be ?
    "Invest wisely and have money work hard for you"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    youre still young. have fun with all three men.

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