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Thread: Does she still like me? Did she ever like me? Or did she not care about me at all?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Does she still like me? Did she ever like me? Or did she not care about me at all?

    Does this girl like me?
    I was in a class during college, and this one girl (lets call he A) kept on catching my eye. SHe looked familiar, like I had seen her before, but I was sure I had never seen her in my life. Though she had never looked at me before, during one of the sessions, she suddenly looked back at me, and spent about three straight minutes looking at me. Also, keep in mind that I had shaggy hair at this time, and my face was covered. So I think nothing of this. So a month later, my suitemate was having a girl over to hook up. So after they were done, I went over to his room to get something. The girl was there still, and when I was about to walk into his room, I saw her, and we both spent sometime staring at each other. When I sat down in his room, she immediately started talking with me, continoussly lookign at me, sitting next to me, and laughing at my sad jokes. I tried ignoring her, but she still talked to me. My suitemate said that we both looked alike, like she could be the feminine version of me. I got to know her name. She got to know mines.But one thing stood out. Everything she did looked familiar, like I had seen it somewhere before. And we went our separate ways. So, the next day, it was announced in our class that we had a group project. I couldn't make it to class on that day. So when I did come to class, the teacher announced that he would tell me what group i was in after class. Suddenly, a girl piped up and said "(my name) ur in my group". It was the same girl I met in my suitemate's room and had seen on the first day of class. So i go to talk to this girl after class, and while I'm talking to her, shes keeping her head down while glancing up at me, like shes shy or something. During the first group meeting, she kept on asking me about my opinion on stuff, since i was being quiet, even though no one else did.So when the group meeting ends, she stays behind with me, while all the other group members left, switching seats to sit directly across from me. After a few moments of silence working on our laptops, she asked me what my major was and what classes I was taking. When she found out I had been taking a math class that she had taken already, she told me to ask her for help if I needed any help in that class. And then she left a few moments later. Everytime I texted her, she would reply back the second later. On our second group meeting, she left when I left, but not together. I had to go to the bathroom, so when I came out, I found her sitting on one of the tables next to the hallway. She was looking at me, and when I caught her doing so as I walked by, she suddenly looked away. So, the next class, she came to me after class, and she asked me when the next group meeting would be. When I gave her the time, she texted it to the other group members. Everytime, before a group meeting, she would ask me about when to meet, and then tell the rest of the group members to meet at that time. However, sometime I texted her saying that I hated the project we were working on, and she startd texting back much later then I texted her. On the third group meeting, she kept on looking at me and smiling, and once she was trying to lean over the table when coloring our poster across to me, and giggling a bit.On the fourth group meeting, when the group members were leaving, I asked a dude to pull out my laptop cord. He coouldn't hear, so the girl (A) asked him to pull it out for me. Also, when the group was leaving, I decidd to leave as well, and she looked disappointed. During all these group meetings, and everytime I was with her, I felt a strange connection with her for some reason. I felt comfortable with her, like i knew her all along. This really scared me though. Anyways, on the final meeting before the presentation, I was running late, so i texted her that id be there a few minutes late. But, I ended up missing the meeting entirely, and when I got there, other groups were about to present (ours was the day after), and she looked like she was mad at me. Bt, I wasn't the only guy late, and another guy in our group came in about 30 mins later, and she wasn't mad at him at all. In fact, she smiled at him when he said hi. So on the day of our presentation, I had to show her something on my laptop. SO i placed the laptop on her lap, and sat next to her. I leaned across to use the keyboard, but she didn't lean back, like a normal person would. She stayed put, like she was comfortable. Also, when I handed her a flash drive, my hand touched hers, and i felt something there, and there was a twinkle in her eye. After the presentation was over, a group member sat next to me, and shee sat next to him. Him and I were talking about stuff, and she kept on trying to get his attention and tossing her hair back in haughty manner. She asked him to help her on her homework later on, to which he agreed. After everyone's presentation was over, I left immediately, while she stayed behind.

    I asked her on facebook how she thought we did on the project, but she didnt reply back.

    On her facebook, the next day, she had a status message about how she was heartbroken. It didn't say by whom.

    So, its been a year since then, and the only contact i have with her is through facebook. She has a boyfriend now and seems happy with him.
    I have always felt this connection with this girl, and whenever, I look at her pics on facebook, I see myself, since we look like we could be siblings.

    So my questions are:

    Could she still have feelings for me?

    Did she like me, or was just being a very friendly girl?

    Oh, and whenever she talked to me, she would stare deep into my eyes, and when she listened to me, her eyes would be focused on mines. Unlike talking to other people, where she would be doing other things or looking elsewhere.

    Shes normally a talkative girl, but she was quiet around me after our first meeting.
    Last edited by theyellowsea; Yesterday at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    it sounds weird to me like could she somehow be related to you? the whole thing about feeling so familiar and looking alike is weird unless she just reminds you of your mother or sister or something?

    i wouldnt risk getting too close to her unless your 100%sure shes not ur half sister or something..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    im 100% sure shes not

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