Hey everyone!
This is my first time posting on this form, and hopefully you guys could help me?

I've been with this guy since october on and off, and when we first met we were both like 'wow its love at first sight' because we were that hooked and attracted to one another and we felt like we've known one another since we were kids...it was a weird feeling but amazing. We hit a rough patch during december on winter break but got through it and came back stronger than ever...until after his birthday in january when we had sex, everything started falling apart. we started fighting almost everyday until february 2? we broke up for a straight month until we got back together a few days ago.

he wasnt comfortable with PDA when we first got together but i quickly got him into it, plus i was his first girlfriend so i guess thats why, and now that we're back together he's like nope i dont like PDA. and he also used to tell me he loved me constantly and text first and make it obvious about it, like holding me tightly making me sit on his lap and never letting go...
now its all different

he barely says i love you. he doesnt hold me as much, and when we kiss he pushes me away and seems like maybe hes just doing it just to do it :/

i was over his house a few days ago, and he was just amazing <3 he didnt say i love you often...but kept holding me close and watchingme when i napped and evrything :/

whats going on?

another thing is he said he wanted me to meet his mom AFTER we moved in together...but ebfore he wanted it to be a bit sooner... like by the end of june :|

we're not gonna move in until another two or three years so...WTF?!


sorry for all the info :|