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Thread: Profuse sweating

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Profuse sweating

    Hi, I'm new here, I'm a 20 year old guy, have a problem that's been bothering me. I never been intimate with a girl, but had a few girlfriends but whenever it was getting close to intimacy I backed out and screwed things up. So my relationships last very short time, except one where the girl seemed to think of me more of as her brother or best friend something and the whole thing was platonic and lasted a year till her family moved. But my issue is I sweat profusely. I even went to couple of doctors and they said it's not like just one place where you can like cut the nerve or something, it's all over. And when I get excited or anxious, it becomes worse. As if somebody poured a buck of water over my head. I keep fearing if I get naked and our bodies touch and I start sweating cause I'd be so excited then my girlfriend gonna get totally disgusted. It's so hard because it's an involuntary thing and the more I try to stop it the worse it gets. So when I gone on dates even not meeting girls for first time like I knew them and it wasn't strangers, I'd get there like half hour early, I wear cotton, go to airconditioned place, do meditation before, all that just so I don't get anxious. But unfortunately if I love a girl and get excited sexually, same stupid problem shows up in the middle. Like one time a girl suddenly touched my hand and went for a kiss in the restaurant on our very first date, I started sweating profusely and as it was about to start I ran to the bathroom and then jumped out the window and ran home. I later told her I was sick, calling her from home. Can you imagine anything more embarrassing in your whole life? It's so hard to talk about these things with girls, they all look so clean and neat and well put together with their perfect makeup and perfect clothes and perfect bodies and they're always so confident or maybe it's behind all these things that they're so confident, and inside they're like me, who knows. But they're the ones who say yes or say no, the guy can be rejected so easily and I feel like I'll be so vulnerable if I go the distance and then get rejected, it'll be humiliating, so much so. So what do you girls think of a guy who sweats so much, is it very disgusting? Do you have problems that make you self conscious and is obvious, like sweating? I once dated a girl who used to blush and it was so adorable but I bet for her it was not, cause she was shy and inside she was unhappy. But blushing is okay, actually makes girls look cute and it's not it will drip everywhere and wet the blankets, lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    There is medication for this! Go see your physician.
    I really sympathize with you because this is a hard problem. But, you are freaking yourself out about it and causing yourself to sweat more.
    I encourage you to go get some counseling about this issue so you can put it in perspective.
    You are right, most girls don't like sweaty guys, unless it's from playing sports. But again, there is a solution for this. Go see another physician. Ann

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    •Medication. Anticholinergics drugs, such as glycopyrrolate (Robinul, Robinul-Forte), help to prevent the stimulation of sweat glands. Although effective for some patients, these drugs have not been studied as well as other treatments. Side effects include dry mouth, dizziness, and problems with urination. Beta-blockers or benzodiazepines may help reduce stress-related sweating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Go meet girls in swiming pool. Or sauna. Later on you should get used to girls and stop sweating.

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