I have a small situation with a girl; in short, I fell for her after knowing her for a while, she had a boyfriend, I expressed my feelings and she returned them to some degree. She broke up with him, spent the night the day after (Rebound, I know. And no, no sex, just sleeping together), and she has since gone back to the boyfriend. She and I had a long talk the other night, and I basically told her I needed to move on and that I needed to treat her more like an acquaintance than a friend to do so. Anyway, she's said more than once that she values my opinion on everything, especially her, to the point where she comes into work without needing to (I work with her) in her casual clothes in hopes that I would see her. We've decided that not talking is the best solution, she doesn't want anything less than a friend, but I want more than that. We've done this before time and time again, no talking, back to talking without the awkwardness, as if nothing happened. The same reasoning comes up from her "I value your opinion too much", and she herself doesn't know why. What does that mean? I've never had anyone say that to me. It kinda sounds bad though, doesn't it? Hell, what do I know? I'm a dude. Help ladies?