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Thread: So (white) ladies... why are you all pissy that I'm dating an Asian?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    So (white) ladies... why are you all pissy that I'm dating an Asian?

    TL;DR Why are so many white women so upset about white guys dating Asian immigrants? I get nasty glares from white women when I'm in public with my Korean girlfriend. I've ready very nasty comments from white women on message boards directed at both Asian women and the white men who date them... so ladies what's up, why so pissy?

    So I'm a student nurse. I worked my ass off for 2 years to get into nursing school.. and now here I am!

    As soon as school started, my fiance pulled the rug out from under me... not going to get into major details, but suffice to say, as they teach us in nursing... "Life is a series of losses." This was a pretty nasty break up... but... There's only one thing to do in a situation like that: Keep moving forward.

    Well. A few months ago I meet this girl from Korea. She's in my clinical group... she's really cute. We talked a lot... I develop an attraction... and begin to chase her. Normally I don't chase women, but wow, there was just something about her. But every move I made she THWARTED. That is like the best word to describe this. She THWARTED my advances. I could tell she liked me though so I kept trying... there was something holding her back. Well long story short, I figured it out, and got her to go on a date with me. Once we hung out together we couldn't quit. Now we consider ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend and I sleep over her house a lot. I've been learning about Korean culture and have begun to take babysteps learning the language. I'm just so fascinated by this other world.

    But something else fascinates me: The way people react to my dating an Asian immigrant. And it's mostly the way white women are reacting. I've gotten several dirty looks from white women in public while shopping or hanging out with my girlfriend. Like really nasty glares. I thought "Maybe they think she's underage cuz she's so small." But that wasn't it... when I was reading about Korea online I found lots of forums, articles, etc about American men wanting to date Korean women. Reading into that expanded into a greater topic of "White men dating Asian women" and I was... really appalled by a lot of the things I read. Really racist, nasty comments...

    ...from white women. Comments such as:

    I usually have a problem with men of other races who prefer to only date South Asian or Middle Eastern women because I feel like the Asian women stereotype of submissiveness and strict adherence to chauvinistic gender roles may play a significant role in their said choice.

    as just one example, but I read many more, very nasty comments. Comments ranged from nasty racist "they're only dating you for a green card cuz they're tired of washing their clothes in the river" to male-shaming "you just can't handle an empowered white woman". So there's a lot of stereotypes against Asians and white men being thrown out there by white women who are, for some reason, really pissed at the idea that some white men are dating Asian women.

    I just really don't get it. I actually got into an argument with someone on a forum about this... they accused me of being a chauvinistic "playboy" who's suffering from "Peter Pan syndrome" and just wants to have "leverage" in a relationship and is only dating an Asian because of the stereotype that Asian women are submissive, and then said I was some perverted "Asiaphile".

    You know I'm dating this girl because I like her. Learning about Korean culture is an added bonus. I will say that her being from another country definitely gave her a novelty factor that piqued my interest (after you get to a certain age, you really feel like you've dated them all), and she definitely makes me feel a different way than other women I've dated... I didn't select her because she was Asian, but maybe there's something about their culture where women learn how to treat men a certain way? I have no idea. I haven't delved that deep into it yet. But our relationship definitely has an interest factor because we both expect different things from each other, so we're constantly having to navigate these strange waters of different, unspoken cultural values and personal preferences (both of which influence each other).

    I just don't understand... why the glares... why the nasty comments...?
    Last edited by HeheMan; 06-05-13 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Is it true that their pubic hair is straight and soft?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Is it true that their pubic hair is straight and soft?
    Yes. Softer than a white person's yes, but not so soft that it's like the hair on your scalp.

    Her eyebrows are also very straight and clean (she doesn't have to pluck, they're just naturally neat).

    She has virtually zero vellum on her body. Her skin is very very smooth.

    We can kiss straight on without having to turn our faces... our noses do not bump.

    Physically I was never very attracted to Asian women... but after being with an Asian women... holy shit, very very sexy and sensual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Have fun, why give a chit what anyone else thinks?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Have fun, why give a chit what anyone else thinks?
    It's not so much "giving" a shit as much as it is curiosity.

    Personally I think it's jealous insecurity.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ... lol ...
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  7. #7
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    You have another explanation? If so I'm all ears. So far you haven't contributed much, as usual.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I contribute a "pfffft" to go along with my lol.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  9. #9
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    Heh, so you couldn't resist commenting even though you had nothing to say.

  10. #10
    vashti's Avatar
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    I'm a white woman, and I couldn't possibly care less about who you date. I think you are imagining things.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  11. #11
    lalalita's Avatar
    lalalita Guest
    I'm a white woman, and I think interracial relationships are intruiging and make for gorgeous babies. I suppose some people, no matter what their race, think you should "stay with your own kind", but I'm not one of those people. White men with asian women is a pretty common combination, I think.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2013
    Have you ever dated outside of your race before? I don't think it matters too much that it's an asian girl. It could be african-american, latina, middle-eastern, etc. and they could be shooting you the same looks. There are many people who still believe you shouldn't date outside of your ethnicity and perhaps that's why you get dirty looks.... I have heard of the stereo type that white men date asian women because they're submissive...but really who knows why these women give you those looks. Maybe they think you've made a terrible outfit choice lol. Who cares what others think as long as you enjoy who you're with and you love them for who they are.

  13. #13
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    There's something very attractive about interracial couples. They stand out a little bit and in a sweet way

    Enjoy your relatioship and try not to let other people's ignorance affect you. They will get over their barriers one day, we all do, human evolution is inevitable.

  14. #14
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    Stationed in Serbia
    I hate this...I'm a sucker for ebony girls

  15. #15
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    Maybe you live in a racist area. When I was living in a red state and dated a black woman for a while, we got dirty looks from some of the white women. Now I live in a blue state, and nobody blinked when I dated asian women. My current girlfriend is half-Kenyan, and we still don't get any reactions from anybody.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

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