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Thread: What does he really mean?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    What does he really mean?

    My boyfriend broke up with me on Monday, but said he wants to be friends, that I'm his best friend and that he wants us to try again one day, but doesn't know when that one day could be "it could be weeks, months, who knows". He also said he wants no contact for a while, but is happy to talk to him if I want to talk. I text him this morning just saying I had to as it was force of habit (after talking every day for near enough a year long relationship)! And he replied saying that he felt weird this morning cause we weren't talking.
    He's agreed to meet up next week to "talk" about everything.
    What is he trying to say?
    He also text me yesterday saying that he "didnt want this to happen, but it has"
    I'm so confused!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    hes sending mixed signals, confusing you, upsetting you more. Its not worth it. My guess is he thinks the grass is greener, thinks hell meet someone better and is keeping you around as a plan B encase it doesn't work out

    I have a rule-don't go backwards, if you break up once-it is OVER. Move on with your life, cut all contact with him, you'll get over him. It just takes time. He let you go so now you need to stick your fingers up at him-say its your loss mate and move on.

    The way he ended it was wrong and I think he is a prick for that. He should have said "its over, were not getting back together" instead of stringing you along and giving you false hope. Hes not doing that for your sake-hes doing that for himself coz hes afraid he may have made a mistake. Well show him that he did. get all dolled up, go out with your girls, flirt and hand out your number to someone.

    The sooner you start moving on the better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    From what you have posted he is in a tug-o-war with his emotions, and is having a hard time with it, that is why he is reaching out to you. He cares about you but he has probably lost interest in your relationship. Boredom is the biggest buzz kill for guys, and it's possible things got too routine. My guess he is collecting his thoughts on this before he "talks" to you about it. Guys (not all but most) are not the greatest at expressing their feelings when it comes to situations like this, so give him this one time to explain, and then you can take it from there. So sit tight and be positive. If anything you will get the closure that you need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Why are you confused? This guy doesn't want to be in a committed relationship with you right now. Do we need to know why? He doesn't have what it takes to talk it through and be committed to your relationship. I'd certainly want to hear what he has to say, so I'd meet with him. I hope YOU create some boundaries and respect his stated desire to not have contact.......but you aren't. You are texting him. Do something else with your emotions....take a walk, go to the gym, read, play music, keep a journal....there are all sorts of things you can do besides calling him.
    In another post you said something like, "I love him so much, I'd do anything for him." Well, I hope not since he wants to part company. Keep you dignity; it is a foundation for self respect. Ann

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    hiyaimkayleigh please let us know what happened after the "talk" you have with him....we always like updates

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