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Thread: Reconnecting.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    So we broke up 5 months ago, and since then we've been on very little speaking terms.

    We went through a phase of actually talking to one another but that soon ended.

    It's been about 6 weeks of no contact, things are fine with me. It's not like I want her back

    Anyway, this is my problem:

    I genuinely want to reconnect with her. Not as partners as such but just break the ice.

    Now I know alot of you ill say move on, ignore her and whatever but I have. I have moved on and we have been in no contact.

    But I really do want to reconnect. Mainly because we will at some point be socialising with one another because all our friends are mutual.

    We just haven't spoken properly in 3 months, maybe 5.

    So how do you guys suggest doing this?

    We will be seeing one another at some point this summer (Like I say due to all our friends being mutual) so we will be have to communicate at some point.

    Anything I can do to make things smoother?

    How can I slowly initiate contact?

    I've avoided texting, calls and emails for now. I've been in no contact for 6 weeks solid, but it will have to end sometime because of our situation.

    There are also bitter feelings between us for one reason or another, and I'd like to put these to bed.

    Again this isn't a "I want my Ex back" thread, it's a "I've moved on, but I want to fix the damage" thread.

    Any advise?

  2. #2
    TLe's Avatar
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    Maybe just let it be the way its been. Say hello and talk to her as friends when you happen to meet in person. She's probably moved on too...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    It would be nice to know how long were you two together. Three months of separation is nothing in some cases. I think you subconsciously want to see her, now when you know you can live without her totally fine. It might be a bit of love or your ego that is telling you to meet her. I don't know the whole situation, why you broke up, was it you or her that left, etc. But in that cases ,I say, that if two persons once reach the point where they separate, there must be a good reason for it. So there is no point to reconnect, because everything that went wrong previously, will eventually show up again.

  4. #4
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    We were together for 2 years.

    We split up in Janurary.

    She broke up with me, but like I say this isn't me asking 'How do I get her back', I'm asking what's the best way to reconnect.

    I know it's over and there were reasons, but we will be in each others company at some point this summer because all of our friends are mutual friends.

    I really want to connect with her and make things ok between us. Not to get back together but just to repair the bitter feelings.
    Last edited by olb30; 06-06-13 at 01:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Any more ideas?

    Guys I want genuine advice on how to do this

    Like I said, I don't want to get back with her, just try and connect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Its a waste of time. If you do happen to bump into her-just be polite. I don't buy "I don't want her back" I think you do. Move on with your life. It is pointless trying to be friends with an ex and no new gf will tolerate her being a part of your life so you will miss out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Washington DC, United States of America.
    It's easy if you really want to reconnect with her..First, you need to work on yourself so as not to have a repeat of what ensued between both of you. Secondly, you're to be like the alpha man which you really are..and make things happen by initiating the call or fix a date with her..don't think do you're at present because your courage and confidence will help you put the past completely behind you and also you need to realize that ladies are controlled by words.

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