Hi micqdf, I can see why she reacted to your comments. Saying "I don't like them" isn't controlling - but "I don't want you having them" IS controlling. The first comment is opinion and the second comment is a direction on how you want her to act.
But this aside, I doubt it was going to work anyway. Your comment "she needed someone to make her happy and I needed someone to love" just screams dysfunction from both of you. From her side of the relationship, it was never going to work unless she had the ability to make herself happy. She needed to be complete in herself before starting a relationship. As for your side, the comment about needing someone to love makes me wonder if you're desperate and lonely.
This girl really does need to free herself from having a partner for now. She needs to find herself and heal from the abuse she had as a child. As she's a runaway, my main concern is that she has a job and somewhere safe and semi-permanent to stay.
I'm sorry that this isn't what you want to hear. But you will heal and move on. It just takes time
Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.