Hey guys, so I started seeing this guy 6 months ago. We slept together once and during the first month we held Hands, kissed and everything. But then we sorta became just friends. He did ask me over late at night shortly after we hooked up but i denied cause i didn't want it to be a casual Thing in the beginning. Now 5 months later he still Flirts with me a lot, he texts me almost every day, he sends me kisses and calls me nicknames and asks me to hang out a lot but we aren't progressing towards an emotional or a physical relationship. I am wondering why he isn't at least trying to sleep with me if a girlfriend is not what he is looking for. Does he really just want to be my friend? I have never been in a Situation before where I went from dating to just friends without a break up in between. I have thought about him not being attracted to be physically but he made very clear that he finds me absolutely attractive and that he would have sex with me in a second (if that's what i was going for because I asked him once why he wouldn't try sleeping with me) but he hasn't acted on it. What is the deal? In my experience guys only either want a relationship or more often casual sex or nothing at all. They never just want to be friends (I'm talking about texting almost every day and hanging out like twice a week or more). What are your thoughts on this?