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Thread: Do I have a chance with this guy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Do I have a chance with this guy?

    So I met this guy 6 months ago in one of my classes. We seemed to hit it off, and he constantly texted me or we would chat on Facebook chat. I have always been really interested in this guy. However, I have been in a complicated situation that has been coming to an end with my roommate(who is a guy) and I had felt like I was unable to pursue a possible opportunity with the guy I met in my class. The guy from my class stayed very persistent. We saw each other in class and he would also text me/call me to hang out quite frequently. We were never actually able to spend time together outside of class at the time. I explained my situation (with my roommate) to him, and told him that I needed a little time and needed to take things slow. He understood and things remained the same and the way they had been going. He seemed very genuine and like he really was interested in me and wanted to get to know me. As the end of this semester came around we finally hung out. It went very well and I felt like we both had a great time. We texted a lot through the next week, and even had the chance to hang out again. By the end of that week we had our college graduation, and I also found out he got a job about an hour and a half away from where we are located. At this point he was starting to act a little different and more distant. He was going to have to move within basically a week and a half. Everything seemed so sudden to me but we were able to see each other and spend time together one last time. This guy is very outgoing, loves to be social, and is very popular with his friends. He is an amazing guy, but the typical social frat guy. I can't help but feel like there was something truly there all semester, and it even seemed like there was something there when we would hang out. The only time things seemed to change was after I knew he was moving. Of course I still really want a chance because I got closer to him at the end and I have had feelings all along. I just held back, and I understand that is my fault. Since he has moved we have talked and had good conversations. We talked about me visiting him, but there hasn't been a specific time planed yet. He is still settling and has been going back and forth quite a bit as well as working at his new job. I would hope he isn't just acting like he wants me to visit to get my hopes up. I totally understand he is in a new town with major changes occurring in his life, and he might need time to adjust. When we talk it is different though. If we are texting or on messenger sometimes he will just stop talking and never responds. Or we go days without talking. However, while we are talking it is great and flirty. I am heartbroken that he is gone and I want a chance. The other day I finally told him how I felt, but it was through a message. I told him everything and that I was just really scared to let myself take a chance with him at the time because of my situation. I told him I thought it could have been something and I regret holding back. I haven't really heard much back from him. Now I am scared that I freaked him out or that I pushed him away. Is my gut feeling right and has there always been something there, but now that he's moved he's afraid to take a chance? Does he not care since he moved, or does he just need time to get settled and to figure out his life there in a new town? I really like this guy, and I feel like I don't want to give up. He hasn't told me if there is or isn't ever a chance in something happening. In some ways I feel confident about him still possibly being interested in me. It just seems like he isn't ready or doesn't know what to do since he moved. But on the other hand, I get really down and I feel like he just thinks I'm crazy now (even though he really pursued me and this has been going on for 6 months now). I just want to stay his friend and persistent in case there is a chance that something could happen. However, I do not want to look desperate. Him being a little further away does not scare me and I want a chance. But now I don't even know what to do next or how to talk with him since I poured my heart out and I'm not sure how he feels. Any ideas? How do I keep his attention since he is further away?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Why can't you just wait till he responds? Now that the cat is out of the bag, the ball is in his court now not yours.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    Why can't you just wait till he responds? Now that the cat is out of the bag, the ball is in his court now not yours.

    I know because I am a girl I think into everything way more than a guy ever would. But I guess I'm just nervous and insecure because I'm not sure how he took everything that I told him. He left me hanging and its making it harder to wait. I'm scared he may not respond because I could have pushed him away by showing heavier feelings. All I can do is wait and thats what I'm doing so I don't look clingy or desperate. I was stupid and held back for half a year so I just want a chance and I don't want to miss an opportunity now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    No it's not just a girl thing trust me. There are a lot of guys that come here analyzing the crap out of everything like nervous nellies....

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