Signs of Steroids use
Just curious...
If someone gains 30 lbs in half a year and don't really change their diet much and don't really change their workout regime, can you gain 30 lbs of mostly muscle? He was thinner before and joined the army reserves and then poof all this new weight, to qualify so he can do basic, no way he could do it on his own, his body never held extra weight... they said fck no and got angry, but they have always been thin and couldn't put on weight, maybe 5 lbs whole time I've know em.
Seems sus. Plus weird angry hostile moods last 6 months and lots of behavior, drinking changes, and sexual changes, like wants it more and why I think is lying about fcking others.
Plus weird showering now too... Ohh had odd skin rash on legs around feb.. as well.
any of these signs?
“The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person.”