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Thread: When did Voluptuous (Thick) become Fat???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    When did Voluptuous (Thick) become Fat???

    When did Voluptuous (Thick) become Fat???

    Thick, Voluptuous, these where great terms that describe very curvaceous women, unfortunately these fine terms have been distorted. There original meanings have been corrupted, by rampant misuse, and these misused and misplaced terminologies, in and where they are misused and misplace are taken now as truth, to be fact. Both terms describe a woman with pronounced, ample curves an and hourglass, coke bottle, like shape, with prominent Hips (Buttocks) and Chest (Breast), with a proportionally slim waistline, women who were meaty, no so much as overweight, but in possession of healthy, nice, curves, but now it seems that more than a few heartily overweight and even obese women are/have placed these monikers upon themselves and have freely used or should I say misused these terms to describe themselves, so much so that others have begun to do so, that their lies have become excepted and there fabrications, falsehoods, deceits are being seen, taken, as true, the truth.

    Now, “Voluptuous” is usually applied to the Breast and “Thick” applied to the Buttocks (Butt) and Thighs, but they can also be applied to and define/describe the overall body, as in, “That girl is Thick curves in all the right places” or "Oh my Gawd, does she have a Voluptuous body, enough of everything and right where they should be”, and what I want to know is, when did they go from describing a “Dyme with Body” to someone “Plump or Chubby”, from describing a “Fly Honey Dip” to describing a “Fat Ass Chick!!!What Happened???

    The Proper Definitions of These Words:

    Voluptuous: 1. Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses. 2. Having a strong sexual appeal. 3. Having a large bosom or appealing curves. 4. Having a very attractive body, curvy, large-bosomed, and appealing to the eyes of lesbian women or heterosexual men.

    Thick: 1. Used to describe a Woman who is meaty, but not fat, and still, pretty, with a round but shapely figure (round in all the right spots). 2. Used to describe a girl who is big, but not fat, and has a very nice shape. 3. Nice booty; legs, especially nice thighs; but still small waist. 4. A girl who isn't fat or skinny, but is well proportioned, has enough meat on her bones in all the right places. 5. A woman with a perfect body, filled-in in places that are, by nature, designed to attract the opposite sex, such as the thighs, the hips, the breasts, and the most lovely part of all, the Booty. 6. When a girl's body has weight on it, but not ugly, out of shape weight. More like medium and curvy. A round behind and firm, full legs is considered thick. 7. A woman with meat on her bones not so much that she’s overweight, but she has junk in the trunk. 8. Having more of a solid, muscular form in the thighs, butt, legs, and MUST HAVE a small, flat waist. 9. Not skinny but not fat, having meaty legs and large breast. 10. A word used for a girl when she has a big butt and big thighs. 11. Not Fat and not Skinny.

    Marilyn Monroe, considered in her time to be a voluptuous vixen, had a figure of 37-24-37 (1954). A woman measuring 36-26- 38 (with a C or D cup or higher most likely) is considered voluptuous, also measurements of 38-27-40 or 39-28-42 would be considered voluptuous – most especially if shapely.

    “Thick”, as defined by the folks as assmatrix.com:

    Thick is having more of a muscular base than a fat/sloppy one, especially in the midsection, nice shapely thighs and booty. No sloppy belly, muscular/well rounded but not jiggly jello thighs and must have a booty that doesn’t droop even without pants or panties that lift. If you don’t need any artificial enhancements but have naturally good looking waistline (no large amounts of blubber/chichos there), nice solid thighs, with no dents and a booty that is firm, that’s thick. Thighs have to look round, and can't have holes in them. When the thighs look full and not flabby or chunky, the effects are devastating. Some people say they're thick just because they have fat thighs but fat thighs aren't thick thighs. Also, THICK, goes by your frame's limits, NOT HOW MUCH MEAT YOU HAVE ON YOU! So a smaller lady can be THICK too. And an HOURGLASS FIGURE or FIGURE 8 is definitely considered thick. There are three places of emphasis that qualify a woman “Thick”, a nice WAISTLINE, nice ASS, and nice THIGHS. This is the ultimate combination for a “REAL THICK” woman. Thighs nice and full but not fat and full of holes are perfect example of being THICK.

    Celebrities with THICK forms: JLO, of course, Beyonce, Ashanti, Salma Hayek.

    Examples of what Thick should Look Like:

    Notice how round their butt, thighs and calves are. Notice how there is no belly and notice how the emphasis is put on the GOOD BACKSIDES! See how the waist is nice and in check (not fat with love handles), see how the ass is nice and round with no holes, see how the thighs are nice and full but not fat and full of holes? Perfect example of being “THICK”.

    That ass holds up with or without clothes to shape it up! THAT'S THICK!

    Nicely accented back side with the aid of nice shapely thighs!

    Too many people don't know what being Voluptuous or Thick is. There are tons of overweight and obese female improperly using these terms on themselves, calling themselves "Voluptuous" or "Thick" when their body size far exceed the requirements, the specifics of said terms. And far too may of us have begun to buy into their delusions and believe the lies. The madness has got to stop!!!
    Last edited by rglove; 29-04-05 at 01:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Most girls that are a bit "voluptuous" as you put do not even come close to the asses you posted. They will have nasty stretch marks under their ass cheeks and so on.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what the hell is this crap? why are people allowed to post threads like this? this is stupid.

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