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Thread: i expect the worst

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    i expect the worst

    So I have a problem. I always expect the worst. I have been with my amazing girlfriend Jamie for 7 months. I have never been in a happier relationship. She is amazing and I honestly believe she is the one for me. Our chemistry is superb. She feels very strongly about me to and has also said she sees us being together for a very long time.

    there is just one problem. I am so paranoid I think she will one day just dump me. Why? I have no idea. All my other relationships have sucked so maybe that is why?

    It just is so frustrating. If I go say 8 or 9 hours without hearing from her, I think "well she must not like me now" I know its stupid but I cant help it. Now we do communicate every day and see each other a lot, but of course we all have our alone time but I always think the worst

    How can I get rid of these feelings and be more positive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hi Ric, I suggest you see a psychologist to undercover why you feel like this and to learn new thought patterns.

    good luck and let us know how it goes
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    You need to accept something: there are NO guarantees in life. And then, you have to learn to deal with that realization. It's the same for all of us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    This type of negative thinking is not good for your relationship. My ex was like that. He was insecure-believed I would dump him for someone else-that it wasn't going to last. In the end he cheated on me and I dumped his ass.

    if you keep thinking this way you will jeopardize the relationship and guess what? you will lose her.

    You need to believe in yourself that you are good enough for her and that you wont allow anything to come between you. As long as you treat her right and look after her-I doubt she is going anywhere and if you do break up-you just need to believe you are strong enough to handle it

    Stop worrying about the future. She is with you because she wants to be. Focus on that
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    she may dump you, she may not

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Haven't landed yet
    It's low self esteem...
    Focus on things that make u feel good about yourself when u haven't heard from her. In that moment just remember that life will go on, with or without her.. Talking to your girlfriend about this will help to. I used to have that problem and it's getting much better. I think talking to my boyfriend about it and finding things that make me happy really helped

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    think positive. think happy thoughts

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