Do you cheat on her? Leave hear? Ditch her for a more prettier woman?
Do you cheat on her? Leave hear? Ditch her for a more prettier woman?
Why are you so obsessed with looks?
Looks are essential for a relationship.
If she still has a great personality then I would probably stay in the relationship.
A couple of co-workers of mine got together and by no means is she attractive, in fact down right ugly and everyone was shock that he left his wife and two kids for her. They ended up getting married. Anything is possible.
Bullshit. For an academic, you sure as hell have shit for brains.
What's more important is the personality because looks will one day fade. A nice hairline on a man becomes snow white and thinning. Big breasts on a woman become saggy, wrinkled bags on her chest. The personality is the only thing that survives the aging process.
And if I were involved with someone who had a great personality, he'd still be the man I would never want to live without even if he was severely disfigured in some kind of accident.
Without a deep connection between two personalities, you have no love. End of story.
I second 'shit for brains'.
Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.
Looks are not everything. When you love someone you see beauty in them that others dont see. A person you first meet who you think is unattractive generally becomes more attractive when you see the beautiful personality underneath..
One of my friends who wouldnt be considered a stunner by most is really attractive to me. I think shes beautiful coz i love her
shes overweight and thats prob the first thing that people who dont know her notice. I notice her fantastic taste in clothes, how she always makes an effort to look good. Her pretty heart shaped face, rosy cheeks, perfect straight, white teeth, stunning smile that reaches her eyes which sparkle with intelligence and good humor. Her genuine honesty always shines through. Sure she struggles with her weight and shes insecure because of it. That doesnt mean shes not beautiful
Last edited by michelle23; 05-08-13 at 09:05 AM.
"Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".
You sound very shallow and judgemental. And will probably live a very lonely life because of it.
A really beautifull woman never turns ugly...
Yes they are (so are girls in fact).