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Thread: getting back what we had after troubled times

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    getting back what we had after troubled times

    I'm trying to think of what I can do to rekindle what was happening with a girl i really like before she went through some serious family stuff. She was calling and texting me a lot and the conversations were often steamy and often about what we were going to do in the near future. We did sleep together a handful of times and I thought things were going amazing. When she started having her troubles I gave her some space and then it cooled down a bit but we still talked regularly and flirted a bit. I was just trying to be sensitive to her situation which was very frustrating for both of us. I did not get to see her for a while.

    Fast forward to now after the family issues and our dynamic has changed and is completely missing the steamy stuff. She rarely texts me first but is usually quick to respond to me. She is starting to become socially active again and I asked her to go out with some friends one night. I know there is a lot of stuff I could have suggested that we do but I didn't want to put a whole lot of pressure on her and also knew she was likely to go. What I really wanted was to see her and get a feel for what may still be possible between us because I have not yet asked over the phone. She said maybe to this plan and it actually fell through because her sister wanted to stay in before she went back to work. But she also said sorry and she really wanted to go. Ok. No big deal. When I called her the day before, I had also mentioned another possible group activity this coming wednesday which she was actually quite excited about and said she wanted to go. This plan has not been finalized yet because we have to find a driver.

    Am I approaching this right? Or should I be trying to pick up right where we left off with one-on-one activities? Should I just come out and ask about where we are now? I'm pretty sure she has not started with another guy but I'm sure there are a few others vying for her time.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Well i called her today to maybe talk about what was up or set up a date...and did not hear what I wanted to. Her ex has her ear and a significant advantage, atm. She openly told me they got trashed with friends and stayed at his place. She said she'd be down for drinks this week so I'm going to mull over what I even wanted out of her and whether my life is currently boring enough to play this game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Id forget her if i were you. Her ex is still in the picture. Its not worth it
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

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