So I met a woman at work, and we planned to meet up on Saturday, tonight, it's 410AM and I'm just curious what people have to say about my ordeal.
So the date started out ok, we met up, I took her out to a restaurant, that was chill. We pre-gamed it and went to a bar prior, then after we went to her place and she got ready for the night as she was going to spend it with a co-worker in which it was the co-worker's 21st birthday. She simply invited me to tag along. So I did.
This is where the night started to go sour and literally f**ked up my night. As we were entering the club, I put my arm around her back and asked her what would you like to drink. She stated, "Oh we're going out to smoke a cig", so we relocate to the main bar next to the patio and out of the blue she says this shit:
"I just wanted to say that we are not together, so don't be acting like we are touching me."
I did the proper thing and apologized and went on with the night.
I didn't show any affection towards her nor really even pay attention other than simply being nice when she was talking to me. It was indeed the deal breaker in which I'll never see this chic again. But I work with her, and occasionally see her on break, so I'll continue to play it cool. But just 20 minutes ago, I wrote this text:
"Hey, I'm sorry I touched you in a way that made you feel as if I was claiming you as my girl. I know you are not my girl and I simply meant no disrespect. I just wanted to put that out there."
Man, work is going to be weird if I see her again. Obviously she doesn't give a shit otherwise she'd have some kind of mental filter before talking shit and f**king up my night. I just felt pathetic, and I couldn't leave because the co-worker was the ride to the club and I had left my car in her apartment complex.
I mean, did I mess up? Did I do anything wrong? She was up on me in my car when we went out prior and when we did a walk, she was up on me as well, hugging me, and even kissed me first at her place. Is this chic toxic? Perhaps some emotional baggage I should not deal with?
Hit me up guys, let me know what's real.