my question: how many flaws can you love before its too much ? how much can you accept ?
ok so i accept that its over between me and my ex of just over a week ago, and slowly realising that love is blind and that we were probably never meant to be.
how ever i do question myself on quite a few things, and i often wonder if just accepted her flaws could we still be together now ???
i accepted some of her flaws and think i was pretty patient, her flaws being
1. She started stripping about a month after we met each other
2. she has quite a temper and through something in my general direction quite early on
3. she has some sex issues which means she has mental blocks to do with having sex
4. she can be quite a slob, very very messy and not very clean
how ever this is the deal breaker
5. she has a very flirtatious side to her, which she told me early on was a problem and that she need a certain amount of attention from men.
but after going through her facebook account i found a few conversations with guys that were very highly sexualised through out the time we were together, also we split up a few times over the year we were together, and in the times that we were together there was one particular guy that she would also go to to exchange naked photos and so on, i told her that i couldn't be with her anymore, and basically is was because i couldn't stand her talking / seeing this guy anymore
my question: how many flaws can you love before its too much ? how much can you accept ?