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Thread: What is he thinking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia

    What is he thinking?

    Okay guys…I want to know what you think about this. I’ve been with my man for 10 months. We practically live together though I do keep separate residence. We have a wonderful relationship and in the last couple of months, he has been very forthcoming with his feelings towards me. We are sickeningly affectionate towards one another, even in public and around friends. But we are also good partners on making decisions and keeping a household. He has changed his “I”s and “me”s to "us" and "we" in everyday conversation.

    We just found out that he is being temporarily relocated out of state for work…anywhere from a year to several years. He asked me to go with him but I can’t because I just landed a great job in my field.

    Though I think I would like to marry him, the subject has not come up and I wouldn't push the issue. But I get the feeling it is on his mind. He did tell me the other day that the move would not change our relationship and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

    So what do you guys think? Is he considering marriage?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    If your relationship is as good as you said in your post, then if he is going and you stay behind for your job he might be considering asking you, for fear of losing his soulmate, partner. Sometimes you just know someone is the one and last thing you want to do is lose them. Be prepared, he might propose, if you are worried about being taken by surprise by it, should discuss his feelings and yours first. Can you go several years living apart?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yeah.....he told you that.

    Tough decision coming up for you....LDRs are tough

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Our relationship wasn't always great. It started out rocky but we have become best friends through a mutual determination to understand each other. Most would find it strange that we got to this point in such a short amount of time. Our dynamic seems like it should take years to perfect but somehow we both have just the right combination of personality traits. It is arguable that we are still new enough to be infatuated but I don't feel like that is the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by joanna1 View Post
    Can you go several years living apart?
    That is a question on my mind. We did decide that if the project looked like it is going to be long-term (say more than a year), that I will just go ahead and either leave my job and move there with him or see if my company will let me work from home. I think we could make it. It will certainly be a test of our relationship so I am seeing it in a positive way. If we can make it for that amount of time and still have a strong relationship, it will show that we belong together.

    He and I both have strong feelings about marriage, both having been in failed marriages. I know that if I ever get married again, it will be for the long haul. If we were to get married before, he and I both would make sure that it lasts no matter what. His faith has instilled in me a deep respect for marriage and we both agree that it should not be taken lightly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb2 View Post
    Yeah.....he told you that.
    I suppose he did

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    You are in the honeymoon stage of your relationship so everything looks promising.....give it a year, your perspective might be altered.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    You are in the honeymoon stage of your relationship so everything looks promising.....give it a year, your perspective might be altered.
    Could be...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    SilentSiren......Sounds to me like you have a very important decision to make, certainly appears like he's in this for the long haul. Would you move if he proposed marriage?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by bessieb View Post
    SilentSiren......Sounds to me like you have a very important decision to make, certainly appears like he's in this for the long haul. Would you move if he proposed marriage?
    No, I would still stay here for at least a year. He would never ask me to leave my job since he knows how hard I have worked to land a job like this. That would have to be my decision and I know I want to have at least a year experience to put on my resume. IT jobs are hard to come by when you can't show experience on a resume. But I think we would do fine seeing each other just every weekend or every other weekend.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    If he cant make it work, while he's at his new place, then know he isnt the man for you.
    Your love will truly show colors when both of you make it work between eachother and your jobs. However, long distance is very hard and full of doubts. to truly have a mind set of marriage, either of you might have to give up and be with the other. You need to give him a few more months to find out. Goodluck~

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    asking you to go with him sounds like a big deal to me, most guys wouldn't given ask that unless they knew you were the right one. do you want the guy to propose, would you accept and still live apart for a year?
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    LDR's are hard, from personal experience. But they CAN work.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by UKRomantic View Post
    LDR's are hard, from personal experience. But they CAN work.
    But most of the time they don't. That's the important point here. In theory I could become President but back here on planet reality it's not likely to happen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter19 View Post
    asking you to go with him sounds like a big deal to me, most guys wouldn't given ask that unless they knew you were the right one. do you want the guy to propose, would you accept and still live apart for a year?
    Yes I would. It would be the smart thing to do. I need to stay at this job at least a year to have it on my resume.

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