Please help. We've been together for 4 months. She cheated on me with a guy she has as an acquaintance. She is 40 with 4 kids. Im 34 with no kids. She is divorced because her husband cheated on her. I found out by going thru her phone. I live in NY and she lives in Miami. I see her once a month for about a week and everything is amazing. Her kids love me and I'm the first guy she's had meet her kids since her divorce 5 years ago. When I found out I drove away and told her its over. She begged me to come back and we worked things out. She has been everything in a girlfriend i can ask for since this has happened. I forgave her but can't trust her yet.I really do love her and she loves me. Everything about our situation isn't ideal but we make it work. I don't want to leave her. My question is will she do it again or are we past this