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Thread: How does he feel about me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    How does he feel about me?

    I have been talking to this guy for about 4 months, just these past months we have been practically texting everyday. We talk a lot and when we hang out he ends up mentioning about relationships and making me feel sick and nervous whenever he talks about it. The last time we hung out for lunch, he mentioned it and he said the following things: that he wouldn't mind if a girl asks him out, he wouldn't mind dating a girl 5 years younger than him (i am 5 years younger than him) it would be his boundary line. it felt like he was trying to tell me something in a subtle way. he asked "are you looking for a relationship right now" and i said idk because im afraid to get into something right now but its a possibility. i asked him and he said he wants to wait until hes independent and stable, but said if someone did come into his life now he wud say yes. then he said he wudnt mind me hanging with his friends. soon he talked about how its good to be both physically and emotionally attracted to each other. after all that he never mentioned relationship stuff after when we texting.

    I do have a feeling for him but i am afraid that what hes thinking is completely different. Its seriously driving me crazy because i have been having dreams about him for the past week. I feel like i am crazy and i am scared. I feel like he mentions this stuff to me because its either he wants to try with me or hes just helping me. either way all i want is an answer to know how he feels about me. but i feel that if i ask i might feel desperate and needy. (my other friend thinks that if a girl talks feelings to a guy first it might sound needy and obligated for a guy) but i dont believe that myth. HELP ME GUYS!!!

    Recently he has been feeling awkward or weird around me too and it seems like he doesnt want to talk to me ):

    with the 5 years difference im 19 hes 24

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Just tell him how you feel. Youve nothing to lose. If he doesnt like you then your gonna have to cut contact with him coz theres no point being friends with someone you want more with or youll never get over him.

    But id say he is interested. He wouldnt bother with you at all otherwise. Most guys dont wana be your male girlfriend unless their gay so they normally dont bother becoming friends with someone unless they are interested.

    Be careful though. Sometimes these nice guys who pretend to be your friend are assholes. Passive aggressive cowards who are too insecure to ask you out and then too insecure to actually date you. He could easily turn around and say he doesnt want something serious and try to use you as a f buddy. Dont go there or you will get hurt. Make sure your on the same page

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I feel that if he really wanted to have a relationship with you, or at least even go out with you, he would ask you out. Isn't that what a guy is supposed to do when he is interested in a girl? Not ask them questions like "are you looking for a relationship?". I wouldn't ask that. I would just walk up to the girl. Tell her I want to take her on a date and then proceed to go out said date.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Ya I agree...I would feel he is being kinda sketchy about it....it's like he is seeing if you are naive so he can manipulate you into thinking he has romantic intentions but he is just being a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's kinda creepy...and I think your gut is telling you this. That's why you get the sick feelings....something is not right.

    My advice to you is that if it doesn't feel right, then it's not....always go by your guy instinct...it's there to protect you.....keep your distance from this guy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    .........btw my advice on this matter is not based on your ages/age difference, but by behavior and reactions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    He's acting weird and ignoring you because he knows it's gonna be a fight to get you in the sack so he is thinking he has wasted his time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You are 19 so I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    The problem here isn't him. The problem is you because you don't know what the heck you want. Why do you feel sick & get nervous every time he talks about relationships? That's not healthy & you have to fix that before you try to date somebody.

    This poor man has been trying to get you to give him a green light to ask you out for months but you keep waffling & saying stupid things like you don't know if you want a relationship. He's looking for some assurance from you that if he asks you out you won't reject & crush him.

    Take a chance. He sounds like a decent guy. He wants to be serious & financially stable. He calls & texts. What more do you want? You're not getting a written guarentee that you won't ever get hurt.

    You're 19. Grow up.

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