So, I was diagnosed with ADHD recently, moderate-to-severe in degree, with hyperactivity.
And I know many people here will probably disregard this as something not worth even discussing, a "child-" "non-serious" condition,
but seriously, in my case it does affect my life, I have all the symptoms associated with ADHD and they do show.
And things like my constant need to do something new and exciting (especially) and other features, show a lot when I meet someone for the first time (I guess in this case it is especially evident because those who already know me are more-or-less used to these features in me).
So, oftentimes, it feels so much easier and more right to answer another comment with: "Well, I have ADHD.."
..And it would be a better and more useful explanation too, rather than trying to come up with something separate each time.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about excuses, I'm talking about giving a reason when someone wonders.
Also, I am not talking about whether or not to tell I have adhd EVER (I believe it is important especially in my case to eventually let the other person know).
My question concerns When, and Whether or not it is appropriate on the first few occasions that you see either a potential friend (female) or a guy. (when neither of us knows the other that well already).
On one hand, yes, telling them I have ADHD soon after I meet them would explain so much at once (plus, some remarks almost ask for it : )
But on the other hand, you aren't supposed to "spill your guts" on the first few occasions that you meet someone.
There is a difference between honesty and over-disclosure.
When the person doesn't know you that much he/she doesn't have enough positive information about you to make up for the less positive information, so it may turn them off, and not because they are a bad person.
So I have two questions:
1) When/at which point would you tell someone that you have ADHD?
and also
2) How much of a bad news for you would ADHD diagnosis be in someone you are only getting to know (who you are not madly in love with, but having some interest towards) (or even just as a friend). I would appreciate honesty for this answer.
Thank You!