Surely he mocketh the mockers.. -- Proverbs of Solomon 3:34
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; how beatified shall he be who requiteth thee as thou hast requited us.
How beatified shall he be who taketh thine little infants by the feet and datheth their heads to pieces against the stones. -- Psalm 137
Been away for 8 hours... Come back and find this! xD
Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it is a time we control the population to allow the survival of the environment.
I did not think this thread would go this insane
Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it is a time we control the population to allow the survival of the environment.
I believe that anyone can have a relationship if they have set realistic standards for themselves. Kalfusadon probably did not set realistic standards for himself.
The only people who can't have relationships are those whose standards are too high. Most guys who "can't get a girl" are really just chasing after the ones who wouldn't give them the time of day.
Because in the end of the day, lets face it: The Jonah Hills of real life don't get the Emma Stones.
Last edited by uri; 19-01-14 at 07:53 AM.
Dude... You are missing the point, its not that im too picky..ok lets face it there has not been a single man who has dated an ugly girl... It depends who is looking like "other mans trash is aonther ones treasure" and real reasonw hy i will die alone is that i have been reasently diagnosed with level 2 paranoia and level 1 scizophrenia (its like i think im something i am really not) i also got several personality disorders... I have refused to go to get help since its just too scary... Yes i know and it hurts to see how there are even uglyer people like me and they have girlfriends due of their good social skills... Witch i do not have at all... There is plenty of reasons for you!
Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it is a time we control the population to allow the survival of the environment.