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Thread: My relationship from Hell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    My relationship from Hell

    What you're about to read (well first off, it's going to be long!) contains adult themes and me at the lowest point in my life. These events occurred in the Spring of 2010, nearly 4 years ago, when I was 19 (now 23). I have never posted the full story on any website or opened up to anyone concerning this because it hurt so much and until recently I believe I am over what has happened. I want to post this so people can learn, reflect, or relate. Hopefully this will help someone in some form. I am not using the real names of the people involved.

    This has been split into 4 parts to abide by the 15,000 character limit.
    Parts 2 through 4 are still awaiting approval from an admin

    PART I

    In Winter 2009 I reconnected with an old friend, Joe(19), from grade school. I had just moved to Colorado and he lived not too far. In January 2010 we both planned a road trip from Colorado to Tampa, Florida for the last week of March. Over the next few weeks I was talking to a friend, Phil (23), that lived in New Orleans, Louisiana that I had known since I was 16. When his girlfriend, Ana (26), found out we were driving to Florida she insisted we come visit them in NOLA, at least for one night on our trip. Joe and I decided we'd do it on our way there, and if we enjoyed it, on the way back too.

    As the trip was approaching Phil's girlfriend friended me on Facebook and began chatting with me. I thought it was great since we had never met and this would make it easier once we had. The conversations started out very friendly but soon she began opening up about her and Phil's relationship. Telling me she needed space that since he lost his job he was too clingy and couldn't go 10 minutes without calling or texting her if she wasn't home. She asked me if she could join Joe and I on our trip to Florida, so she could have some alone time. Joe and I agreed that would be fine. Plus she offered to help pay and Joe and I were already at our limit.

    However, the conversations between her and I kept getting more weird. She started flirting, though she knew I was dating someone at the time. Then just 3 days before the trip she confessed to me the real reason she wanted to go to Florida - She wanted an affair, she needed to be with another guy, almost any guy, at least for that week. This made me uneasy, but it was her choice and who am I to tell her what she can and cannot do? Sadly, I never put two and two together, she wanted to have an affair with me. When she finally told me this bluntly I immediately rejected and she told me she was going to find some guy one way or another but thought if it were me and her rather than some stranger it would be safer. Nevertheless, I rejected her offer.

    The day of the trip my girlfriend and I split. Joe and I left Colorado around 9pm and it wasn't long before Ana began texting me. I told her what happened between my now ex and I, she told me that her offer was still standing. I ignored that text and asked what we would do once we go t to NOLA. She told me her and Phil got tickets to a concert for us and then after that it was to the bars.

    I never texted her during my driving shifts but once Joe was back to driving my phone was blown up with texts from her. However, I ignored all the ones regarding her goals once we arrived in Florida. After two speeding tickets, 18 hours, and nearly 2 dozen Red Bulls, we arrived in New Orleans just an hour before the concert. It was great to finally see them and I truly had never noticed how beautiful and attractive Ana was, after all I only saw the few pics of her on Facebook. We went to the concert, I tried my first Hand Grenade (amazing drink) and then we hit the bars. For those thinking how Joe and I, both 19, were drinking in the bars. In NOLA they don't ID, as long as you look 21 and know how to pronounce the drink you're ordering - you can drink there. After many beers and shots we finally sat down, just the four of us. Joe and Phil hit it off quite well, which left Ana and I to talk to each other. I was worried she would bring up her dirty little secret but surprisingly she never did. Once we all sucked down our drinks we decided on one more before heading back to their place. Ana said she would go get the drinks but wanted one of us to go with her. Phil and Joe didn't want to so that left me. We walked inside and she held me by the wrist, guiding me behind her. We walked right passed the bar, then the second bar. And towards the wall at the end. She turned around leaning back against the wall and pulled me to her and started kissing me. I never raised my hands, didn't even kiss back, even my eyes were open. I was shocked at her move and after what felt like eternity I decided, the hell with it, and started kissing her back. Pressing my body against hers and just forgetting everything else and enjoying the moment worry-free.

    We walked out of the bar, with the drinks, like nothing happened. After our drink Ana said she wanted one more and actually walked towards me, but Joe stepped in and pushed her into the bar, saying "this time I'm getting the right drinks."

    Phil and I were alone and we talked. After an 20 minutes went by of wondering where the hell are they. We walked in and it became obvious. Joe got into a fight and Ana was trying to get them apart. Phil and I stepped in pulling Joe away ignored the other guys who kept trying to initiate the fight. Joe and I went to go play pool to calm him down. Ana and Phil went off on their own in a corner. After the first game of pool I heard Ana shout and push Phil away. She was visibly upset and walked up to Joe and asked for his car keys, he didn't even question her, just handed them over as drunk as she was. I saw Phil chase after her and I asked Joe why in the hell would he give her the car keys. He was just way too drunk. I chased after Phil and Ana and once outside I started approaching them when Phil and noticed and barked at me "Leave us the **** alone!"

    I took a few steps back, thinking he found out about our makeout session. They argued a bit as I stayed a few yards away. After Ana told him to f-off he walked by and asked what the hell I wanted. I told him I just wanted my friends car keys, it was my only way back to Colorado. He walked away and I ran up to Ana who was walking the other direction. I asked for the keys and she protested but eventually handed them over. I walked with her and eventually gave her the keys back. She asked me to come with her to the car and she would drive me back to the bar. It was a long walk back and we talked about what had happened between her and Phil back there, which wasn't about our makeout session. And while we were on that topic I told her that nothing had changed. I wasn't going to help her with her goals in Florida. She shrugged and said that she understood and we continued walking. Eventually getting to the car when we heard someone running toward us, it was Phil and he and Ana immediately began shouting and arguing, I sat down in the car but Ana didn't close her door all the way and I could hear every word. I never took interest until I heard Phil say to Ana that he believes I'm a serial killer and if she left with me right now she would probably end up on the news. But I didn't react, I let them continue and after Phil walked away she jumped in the driver's seat and told me what he said. I pretended like I hadn't heard them. But either way, it hurt. Phil and I knew each other for years. Granted I did makeout with his girlfriend but at this point he still didn't know that, so what he said wasn't retaliation.

    We drove off, ate, and headed for their house. I kept thinking about what had happened back there and I told Ana I would do it. I would sleep with her in Florida. All day, all night, whenever she wanted. The only reason I refused in the first place is because Phil and I were friends. The key word being WERE. With our friendship now in the toilet there was no reason not to sleep with her (except morals, but I was 19). She was beautiful, had tattoos, piercings, she was fit, had stunning hair and perfect olive skin. I was attracted to her, recently in a relationship, and clearly they had problems. Everything seemed just right to me.

    After a while of driving she pulled over in parking lot and climbed in my lap and we made out again. This time I definitely didn't hold back, but we never went any further. After we made out she sat back in the driver's seat and told me why her and Phil really got into a fight. It was his birthday (and they both neglected to tell us) and he asked about birthday sex to which she declined. He got upset, which got her upset. That's when she stormed out. Those past few hours made me realize what kind of person Phil was, though I wasn't much better. We drove to their house finally, as soon as I grabbed me and Joe's bags and turned around Ana grabbed me again and we made out against the car. Then again before we got into the house. We walked in and Joe was out cold. Phil came down the stairs when he heard us and immediately started saying sorry to Ana, but she wasn't having any of it. I laid on the other sofa and almost immediately passed out. Ana and Phil went upstairs.

    At some point in the night I was woken to Ana laying next to me. She said something to the extent that I look cute when I sleep, but I was still mostly asleep. She started kissing me again and I don't believe I was doing such a great job since I could hardly keep my head up. This happened about 3 more times. The last time I noticed there was sun light.

    I woke up to people talking and immediately checked the time: 2pm. We were supposed to leave at 10am. Unsurprisingly, no one was ready to leave. Ana made us breakfast, well breakfast for lunch. Phil acted like nothing had happened last night. He and Ana were hugging and kissing, laughing and giggling. I was starting to think what happened last night was a dream. Everything made a 180 and I was very confused, but at the same time happy. However, it became apparent that last night really did happen the way I remember.
    Last edited by Wilhelm; 06-01-14 at 05:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I think a mod deleted the other parts. So if a mod sees this please remove this thread. And my account.

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