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Thread: Girlfriend's attitude has changed recently

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Girlfriend's attitude has changed recently

    Hi everyone,

    I started seeing this girl a few months ago. We'd known each other for a while, not that well as we'd only see each other once in a while. Anyway, she started texting me a few months ago a few weeks after she had split up with her ex of 4 years (who had cheated on her several times). At first we were just texting as friends but the more we "talked", the more we started falling for each other. After a few weeks I went to see her and things went from there and we became an item. She said that she was really happy to be with me as she'd never been treated as nice as what I treated her. I was really happy to be with her also as it had been a long time since my last relationship.

    The first few months went by really well, however the last few weeks have been totally different. She always seems to start arguments about the most trivial things, things that I would not even consider worthy of starting an argument over with. She seems overly bossy and I sometimes feel like I am being talked to like a child and I that I have to be told everything when I don't. She says she doesn't want me to talk about my work if I have something to complain about but I'll be the first person to hear about stuff that's going on at her work if she's had a bad day, and if I say I don't want to hear about it she gets in a mood with me because I don't want to listen. That just sounds hypocritical to me.

    She has become more and more distant in the last week. I've asked her about it and she said that she has a lot of things going on in her life, in particular she's been having to deal with problems within her family and that was the reason why she is being the way she is. However, we went to a family party recently and she was perfectly fine, laughing and joking with everyone, until I sat down with her and then her mood changed instantly. I just don't understand why she can be like this towards me but then be perfectly fine with other people.

    We had a talk at the party and she said she needed a break because it seemed like we were clashing more and more, but these clashes are all caused by her getting annoyed at little trivial things, things that wouldn't bother me if the roles were reversed. I just feel like she isn't happy with me and wants to end it all, even though she said that I treat her really well and that I am a really nice guy. She hasn't been long out of a previous relationship which could be a factor but she never gave me that impression when we first started dating. I'm starting to think it's another excuse to deflect from the fact that she doesn't like me anymore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cens, this may not be about you at all. It could just be that when she's in a relationship she's a whiny, bossy, selfish bitch.

    Don't do a 'break'. Just end it and find a nice girlfriend.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    If she can't communicate with you, she isn't worth it.

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