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Thread: Where are we going with this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Where are we going with this?

    Hello all. I am new here. Ive came here as im really confused. Ill keep it as short as possible.

    Im late twenties, he is early 30s. Known each other years,and have a child together.
    Split up 5-6 year ago due to me being scared of commitment.

    A few months back, things struck up between us again. We have been getting closer and closer. Have slept together numerous times. He has also started staying over one night a week.
    He gives hugs and kisses which dont always lead to sex.
    We text all of the time and see each other 2-3 times a week.
    He has started calling me babe, baby, etc.
    He buys me things, randomly, christmas, birthday and valentines.

    It all seems like we are moving in the right direction for a RL. Only it is very secretive. Now i understand this as i hurt him when we broke up, and im sure his mother would have something to say to him. At the same time, he thinks ive told no one, but my parents know all about it. So whats to say his dont?
    There is definitely no other woman. As i say, we have known each other for years and he says i am welcome at his house anytime. He says i dont need to be invited.

    I am planning on asking him when i see him later in the week. A little insight from some men wouldnt go a miss though. At least ill kind of know what to expect.

    I know i shouldnt, but i need to know if it is safe to allow myself to get emotionally involved. I already am...but i dont want to get in too deep for it to all be about sex. If you know what i mean

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Stop spending time at hes house. Go out with him and do a date togheter with him. Spending to much time in the house makes the relationship more sexual. I know alot of ppl that spend time with their gf or bf in a house and it does not turn out good.

    Since you are a girl, could you solve my problem ? I posted a new thread.

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