I'll attempt to make this short.

Dated a girl for two months, I hurt her pretty bad. I know she wanted me to love her, but at the time I just wasn't sure, so I neglected her love towards the end. Relationship just kinda fizzled out, I would contact her, she would ignore calls and texts, then she would contact me, I would ignore her till eventually we went about 2 weeks without contact.

We recently had a few texts, how are you etc . . . I told her I still thought about her, she said we would get together and talk. . . Never happened, but during that time I realized how much I cared for her. So I sent her a letter basically telling her I loved her, and how I wasn't sure before, but knew now I wanted to be with her.

In the letter I told her if she had moved on to just ignore me. . . She texted me a day later . . ." Don't think I'm ignoring you because I'm not, I've just been busy. . ." . . Made me think I had a chance. . . .we texted a few times over a couple days, then she told me " she was sorry, but she didn't want to lead me on, we could be friends" . . . She might be conflicted.

In the meantime I found out she's now dating a guy that was pursuing her when we were dating, I'm Fairly confident this is a rebound guy . . . At the time she chose me over him, now the roles are reversed. . . . I think she still has feelings for me, but is just responding out of hurt.

What do you guys think? Did I blow it? I'm thinking I should leave her alone for awhile.
Thanks guys, much appreciated.