My boyfriend watches porn and I don't really like that he dies this by himself, I did ask him to stop and he promised he would, and he did tell me he ment it but he ended up doing it again and lying about it, which upset me the most. He told me I am asking him to change and i am not accepting him for who he is, but by him trying to make me accept that he is trying to chabge me, right? So I cane to a compromise which is, he can watch porn still but we watch it together and he can tell me what he likes and I will download it, i don't even mind simply aiding him in his masturbation if he isn't up for sex. And we can make our own videos (me and him and me solo) for him to watch by himself. I felt like this was a reasonable compromise and I was meeting him halfway. However he told me he can't promise he won't watch it when he's by hinself. So I feel I am trying to compromise and help oyr relationship abd he is not meeting me half way, I don't mind doing specific things he likes to video and I dobt mind downloading specific thivgs fir us to watch, or trying new things in bed, I woukdnt mind having sex everyday or even mire than once a day. But sometimes he would rather do that in the morning, and I'm left wanting to do something but he does not. Do you feel thus is a reasonable compromise for us both to make or am I at fault here? I'm not really sure what to do as I feel I am being fair, please answer my question, thank you guys XxX