Okay, i'm kinda putting it out on the line right now.. I have been facing this problem for a while now and I'm so torn on the problem.

I have been seeing a girl now for almost 2 years. Lets say her name is Sarah (Not real name) To be honest she has all the traits in the world that I could ever want in a girl. She is funny, loyal. independent, she is into nerdy things that I am the whole nine yards. She is going to school for her doctoral. So she has a great future ahead of her and she loves me with everything she is... She would spend money all the time to come visit me.. take me places. fly me out to LA to see a music show... Or Texas to spend time together... A down side is she lives in another state, so we don't see each other often.. (Sorry if I am all over the place, but this has been killing me) She will be moving a lot closer for school, she will be 4 hours away from me... But here is part of the problem... She is everything that I could want in a woman, BUT I do not feel that I am truly in love with her and the reason is because. With the exclusion of the time I been with her. I was in a off and on relationship with someone that I deeply loved. (Lets say her name is Jessica) I still deeply love her, enough to actually break up with Sarah.. The reason that Jessica and I weren't working is because she had a heroin problem and I couldn't stay with her anymore. Even though I did try to stick with it to help her. But she was beyond help for many years. We would stay in contact here and there, but was rare. I would see other people to try to get over her, but I would always think of jessica. I just couldn't get over her and that remained the same even with being with Sarah. And now Jessica is back in the picture. she is doing a lot better. She is off the drugs and wants to be with me and have a future. Which is what I always wanted, but I can't help be feel I am making a mistake leaving Sarah for Jessica... Sarah is hear broken and it kills me knowing that I am destroying what would be the idol of everything that I love... I have spoken to family and friends and I get different answers on opinion.. All my family thinks I made a mistake by leaving Sarah, but friends tell me to follow my heart. A part of me is scared that I will lose Jessica again to drugs and then have a lost the chance I had at having someone that is really good for me... But I feel that I had to let Sarah go, because I feel she deserves to have someone that cherishes her. Adores her. Someone that wants her and no one else and I couldn't do that... Granted I feel that I could be that person if Jessica was never in the picture, but she is and places so much doubt in my mind on what i should do... I don't expect answers from posting here, I would just really like some people from an outside perspective to say what they think or maybe give some life knowledge or experience on love.. Sorry for writing such a long post. If there is any questions on facts that you may feel I be more specific on, feel free to say so... My mind is just everywhere right now and has been since Jessica came back in the picture. Thanks for reading