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Thread: How to not rush a new thing and not scare the guy away?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    How to not rush a new thing and not scare the guy away?

    I recently started talking to a new guy but in the past I have a tendency to get in bad relationships where I rushing things or they aren't looking for the same thing as me. This guys seems different but I still want to take my time. We work within walking distance of each other so we've met up a couple times during the work day and are most likely going to get together after the work day sometime next week. We've been texting every day and he seems really interested (talks about future hang outs, asks me questions, tells me about himself).
    I'm just worried because I find myself wanting to start texting him a lot and I don't want to ruin something good by being overbearing too early. So I just have a couple questions.... How do I not become overwhelming? Do guys like when you text them first? When is too much?
    Any advice is welcome because this guy seems like a good one!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    First ask him how much texting is alright by him and what does he consider too much, so you know where he stands and you don't over step his boundaries by being too eager. Then you won't have to worry if you text too much.

    I don't care personally if she texts me first or I wait and text them first, can't you text him if you feel like it, and keep it simple? if you are the type that gets depressed or anxious if a guy doesn't text you RIGHT back then don't text because you will possibly be sitting and waiting and then start over texting. Know your self!

    Too much is doing it early am before work, during work hours or late in the evening, imo.
    Again be straightforward and ask what he prefers when it comes to texting and that solves your worries if you are going overboard, right?
    Some people prefer calls over texts too.

  3. #3
    lalalita's Avatar
    lalalita Guest
    It's about being compatible and letting things happen naturally. When my boyfriend and I were getting to know each other, we both texted/messaged each other all day long. It was mutual, and I never had to think "should I text him?". If I wanted to talk to him, I did. Our conversations happened very organically, and still do.

    Just be you. If he thinks you're "overbearing", you're just not compatible in terms of communication. I bet the problem has never been you, but just that you've dated people with different views on what a relationship is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I agree with Lalalita. If you want to text him you should text him. I never minded if the girl I was just starting to talk to hit me up first. It was actually nice actually.

    Just don't do what some girls do when they don't get a response right away and start blowing up the phone asking where they are or why they aren't responding etc. That's the quickest way to ruin a relationship before it begins ha

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