To make a short story long...
Wifey's dad was in the hospital for a knee surgery last week. The sister that lives there 'had' to drive the other sister that flew in to 'help' back to Dallas to get her flight home, BEFORE my F-I-L was discharged from the hospital... meaning that frail and small M-I-L was going to be stuck trying to take care of large F-I-L for the weekend by herself, including getting him up and around to do normal things like use the bathroom or get washed...
So wifey took off to go help. I was fine with that. In fact, I was kind of bummed that I couldn't get time off from work to go help too. I love my in-laws - I really do. They've embraced me (eventually) and taken me into their family. F-I-L makes a point of calling me 'son'. He's said that he wants to give me his bow-hunting materials, and teach me to fletch the arrows, like he did with his son (now dead)... give 'em to me, teach ME, and not his other three S-I-L's... ME. He sees the way I treat his daughter. My M-I-L has said that she sees that we're 'a lot like they are'... and they've been married for fifty years.
So... wifey went to go help... Other sister got back last night, F-I-L has been developing complications, and last night they went to the ER. ER said "not an allergic reaction, possibly a blood-clot" so they med-evac'd him to a bigger/better hospital in Ft. Smith. Wifey went along.
Why? Her sister was there to help.
Today's our anniversary, and my birthday... and wifey's 200 miles away, for no real reason. I want her home with me, I miss her, and it's our day... or it should be.
I get that this is childish and unreasonable... Really, I don't want any advice, just wanted a place to bitch about it where she wouldn't see it. I won't ever say it to her. But dammit, I'm alone on my birthday and our anniversary, and it grates on me.