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Thread: question, am i prudish

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    question, am i prudish

    hey, I'm 52 and I've been unmarried most of my life. I just ended a relationship (well he really ended it). One of the last things he insisted on was to get me involved with another woman. I did not want to. It would have made me feel guilty. Oh so many years ago, my husband wanted that too. Am I just being prudish? Do most women comply with that request and or like it? I mean we did toys. watched movies and stuff like that. but am i acting all pent up because I won't let a man watch me with another woman?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    No, not being prudish. if you are not into that he shouldn't push you into it just because he wants it.

    That isn't a partnership to only do what he likes or wants, if you wanted to bring another man in would he have agreed?

    I say, no he wouldn't. Most men wouldn't unless Bi because two woman is a straight guys fantasy with him.

    Is it about him watching you with another woman or the fact he wants another woman brought in?

    I don't think it's prudish, I wouldn't do it either.
    It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have that matters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    thanks anya_ may21. It helps to know you would not do it either. He just tries so hard to convince me that I want it too. and i do not. I dont' mind watching it on porn. To be honest it is a bit of a turn on if I'm in the right mood. (sometimes) but I don't want to actually do it. I could not forgive myself. And those women are not sharing MY man they are sharing someone elses man. it's completely different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by cr62269 View Post
    hey, I'm 52 and I've been unmarried most of my life. I just ended a relationship (well he really ended it). One of the last things he insisted on was to get me involved with another woman. I did not want to. It would have made me feel guilty. Oh so many years ago, my husband wanted that too. Am I just being prudish? Do most women comply with that request and or like it? I mean we did toys. watched movies and stuff like that. but am i acting all pent up because I won't let a man watch me with another woman?
    Nah, not prudish at all.

    In general women tend to be oriented more towards being bisexual than men are.

    And there is a certain expectation that women can "be game" and have some same sex fun and still orient themselves mainly as straight in their every day lives.

    But you can't, and that's where the buck stops. You apparently have a strong preference for opposite sex partners, just like most men do.

    If a guy ever tries to push you in this direction again, just ask him to go first with a well endowed biker since that happens to be your preference, and 9 times out of ten it won't be brought up again...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Idk but if he wanted another chick in bed with you both it wasn't heading for happy times for you guys as a couple.
    Single FWBs do threesomes and would welcome a third for sex, but not too many- I love you dear- couples do it.

    I agree with the others, if you don't want it, don't do it, not about being prudish, you like what you like and that's it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Small town in Norway
    I would not say prudish at all... you NEVER have to do anything with your partner(s) unless you want to do it. ALL relationships build on honesty, teamwork and respect. and if he is ending things just because you won't do it with another woman.. then he's just not respecting you for who you are and does not decerve you
    --- Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands --- ---

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