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Thread: What does she really want

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    What does she really want

    Hi girls I hope you can help.

    My girlfriend turned cold on me and finished with me 8 weeks ago. She said she wasn't over her ex and she had too much going on with moving house and pressures at work. We had been together for 3 months. She said she would consider getting back together once she had moved house.
    I begged her to reconsider but she wouldn't change her mind.
    Since my second divorce 7 years ago, she is the only girl that I wanted to date and actually meant anything to me.
    The thing is that there hasn't been full closure. She kept texting me for advice whenever she was feeling down or needed advice. Because I still care about her, I would respond to her giving her advice but she wouldn't call me or speak to me on the phone. It was strictly text messages only. She kept telling me that I had been too full on and she wasn't ready for a full on relationship.
    Although it hurt I gave her space and would only text her if she messaged me first.
    Anyway she moved house and then asked me to meet for coffee.
    I met her for coffee and we chatted as if we had never broken up. Afterwards she texted me and said that she hadn't realised how she had missed me and that her head was in a spin. She said that she wanted to meet me again for coffee when she got back from vacation.
    Then she texted me and said that she had seen her ex in the street and realised that she wasn't over him and that she would never get back with me. Then she went on vacation to Cyprus. She kept messaging when she was away saying how lonely she felt even though her family was with her.
    Three days before she was due back home, she told me that she would never have a relationship again. I didn't reply and left it. 5 days later when she came back to England she has texted me constantly and was almost back to the warm friendly girl that I knew when we were dating. She wants to meet me on Sunday. She hasn't said why.

    Is she playing games, using me, just confused or does she want to try again?

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    She is very fickle.

    I think she is keeping you as possibly a back up option, certainly as a caring ear to listen to her.

    If you don't mind her only wanting your company when she needs to vent, that is okay, but you seem to want more and love.

    Meet with her, but let her do most of the talking and listen very carefully.
    It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have that matters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You'd better guard your heart with this one. If she thinks she can get away with the ol tug a war, she'll keep doing it to you; pulling you in and then tossing you out, back and forth, like that. Don't let her. She'll gain respect for you if you put your foot down so to speak; and if she doesn't, find someone else.

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