Hi, I appreciate any help about this subject:
I truly love my one of my cousins so much and the relationship between us were so cold because we barely see each other (about once or twice a month), but recently we had a vacation with all relatives and we saw each other again, that was the time I realized I love her! It's been six months our relationship is getting better and better. Of course she has an older sister who I messed up with when I was about 14, I just wanted to reach her (older sister's) underpants and screwed up. So, the older sister and I became enemies somehow, but I tried to make everything up so she doesn't tell about those messes to her sister, the one I love. And it finally worked, I'm sure she doesn't spoil anything! So the problem is something else, how can I keep in touch with her after all of this? I mean I tried so hard to get closer to her in the vacation and it worked, she and I were like strangers but now I even give her message!!!
But if the time between we see each other again be so long she forgets somethings and again the relationship gets colder, I need to be in touch but she's relative and I must be so careful about it. Don't wanna screw up our relative-relationship between my father and his brother and she's so wise to understand anything about relationship!
Any help? She and I have similar music tastes and that was the start of our friendship first. She's two years younger and her home is somehow far away from mine. I don't know what to do! I'm 17 and she's 14.
I'm a pro gamer and she's always in her cell phone!
I understand that if I marry her I may couldn't have any children but I don't give a shit, I LOVE her so much!