Hey you all...

So I need some advice,

So, I am from the Netherlands, and I've lived in and around London for a while, where I met this great guy. It clicked immediately between us. There were some reasons why we weren't able to start dating then, and well 10 months ago I left and went back home, he stayed there until last week. He is from South Africa. the whole time I was home and he was still in and around London, we didn't see each other... we emailed each other on a regular basis. So, now he is home in South Africa and yesterday he told me he loved me always have and always will that kind of thing... I really do like him a lot, I can't say I love him yet cause I just don't know him well enough for that, but I really really like him... here is the thing, it is either my heart or my mind telling me I like him, the other is coming up with all these practical things, like school, work, distance, how is it ever gonna work out and is it worth it to try and see what happens and then have my heart broken after a while when we both realize it will never work because I have my school and my apartment (which isn't really mine but a friend of mine who is out of the country for the coming 16 months, So I can't move out until she is back). I am a poor older student and plane tickets are almost 1,000 euros return. I can't afford that every couple months... but then.. I do want to try it out because I do like him.. not matter if it is my heart or my mind telling me this..

does anyone have any advice on what to do???