I normally don’t look to meeting girls at clubs anymore now that I am 28, but last week I met this girl who is gorgeous. We dance a bit at the bar/club and went somewhere private in the bar and spoke to each other. It went from flirting to a pretty deep convo, we talked about where we are from and what we do for a living. I could sense in her eyes that she was a little embarrassed that I work in New York City doing well for myself as an IT Manager while she is just a hair stylist. She mentions that she wish she went to school and pursued a better career, she's only 24. At the end of the night, we realized we live an hour away from each other. I live in New York City and she lives in the Jersey Shores, however she said she would love to meet me in the city and go out to dinner and go shopping. We admitted to each other, I hate the high maintenance girls in NYC while she hates the Guido Meatheads in the Jersey Shore. We exchanged numbers, and she made sure on both of our phones we got the correct numbers. I texted her when I got home and she replied back saying it was nice meeting you, and good night!

I texted her back 2 days later (not sure if I should have waited) she never replied back, I texted her again on Friday saying I will be around the area we met, will she be there. She replied back saying Yesss I am here. I visited by myself, and she was soo happy to see me. We caught up for a bit, I told her I am going to a business trip to LA and I will be away for a week. She told me to send her lots of pictures, and she is happy and excited for me. We ended up dancing for a bit, and disappeared and went outdoors for a talk, this time we cuddled a lot more and were more touchy feely with each other. She even showed me pictures of her two cats and shared her favorite pictures of them. We ended up sneaking to the bathroom and have a very intense make-out session, lasted for about 15 minutes. We were rubbing noses with each other being very sweet such as kissing each other in the cheeks and smiling a lot. Her friend texted her to tell her they are leaving and we made out for another minute then we said goodbye. We once again discussed meeting up in New York City. We both hugged each other and were upset that we had to go. I texted her when I got home to let her know I was home and for her I also said good night. She replied back saying good night, text her when I arrive in LA and thanks for visiting. I texted her when I arrived in LA with a picture, I have not heard from her since and it has been two days, I want to text her again but I also don't want to scare her away.