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Thread: Overthinking or under thinking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Overthinking or under thinking?

    I met this guy seven years ago, when he gave my group a tour of the high school I'd be attending the next fall. The first time I saw him, I turned to my best friend and innocently said "Finally this small town finally did something right." That following summer his family moved to Alaska and I put him in the back of my mind for the next several years. His face would pop into my thoughts randomly, but he was in Alaska..what could I do? August 2nd (my 21st birthday ) of this year, I got a friend request from a familiar face on Facebook. It was him. We began messaging and catching up and it was like we had been a part of each other's lives forever...so natural. We exchanged numbers and over the next few days we couldn't stop talking and feelings developed. Monday we decided to spend time together. I went to his house for dinner, and I couldn't have asked for or dreamed of a better first date. He greeted me with a smile and a kiss, opened the door for me, constantly told me how beautiful I am, held my hand, we laughed, and talked, he wrapped me in his arms and told me he was so happy.. and our connection was amazing. I've never felt like that before, about anyone. Everything was perfect. But here's my dilemma, it's now Thursday morning and I haven't heard from him since our date. I'm trying not to freak out or over think, but it's hard not to. I wanna talk to him, but I sent two texts Tuesday and never heard back from him. Do guys still do that wait three days thing to contact a girl they really like after a date? I'd just love to hear someone else's viewpoint..I'm going crazy over here thinking about every move I took and everything I said.
    Last edited by Jessicamarie035; 07-08-14 at 06:50 PM.

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