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Thread: Is this the end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Is this the end?

    I am at a loss and have turned to this forum for some help.
    I met my wife online just over 10 years ago.
    She proposed to me about 4 months into our relationship.
    We have been married 10 years.
    We had issues conceiving our first child.
    It took us 6 years but after several IVF attempts my wife fell pregnant.
    We now have a beautiful 2.5 year old son.
    My wife was diagnosed with post natal depression following his birth.
    My counseller believes she probably had this prior to his birth as a result of the roller-coaster ride in getting pregnant.
    The last 3 years or so has been hell for me.
    I have tried to give my wife every support possible, from emotional to material.
    My wife has been moody and unloving for 3 years.
    She co-slept with our son for just over 2 years.
    About 1 year ago during an argument she pulled a large kitchen knife out and threatened to kill herself in front of me whilst our son was sitting on my knee.
    About 6 months ago during another argument she pulled out a large kitchen knife and lunged towards me - I had no option but to hold her at bay by the neck.
    She has become irrational and crazy.
    About 1 year ago she told me to find someone else because she no longer had feelings for me.
    I met with someone for a meal.
    When she discovered this she told me I was cheating, despite her pushing me away and telling me to find someone else.
    A few weeks ago she told me she drove across into the wrong car lane and almost hit the oncoming car.
    Last week during a long road trip she told me that she loved me, but did not feel that I loved her.
    She said we should stay together for our son, but if we find someone else, we find someone else.
    I work full-time and provide a comfortable existence for our family.
    The house is never cleaned, the sink and kitchen are always full of dishes.
    I am tired of the constant tension.
    I am tired of arguments and the on again off again nature of the relationship.
    Most importantly, I am worred that this environemnt is not good for our son.
    What should I do??????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    You should seek legal advice and therapeutic support and then start to talk through alternatives with your wife.

    You are right the environment is terrible for your son's development and you must both act together to try to safeguard his future as best you can.

    I feel for you mate, you seem a sensible guy who has the world on his shoulders. You feel trapped because you fear she may hurt herself, but what are you going to do, live a miserable life forever because of blackmail?

    If it were me I'd be looking to get the wife on board with the idea of rebuilding the whole families lives in a healthier, respectful way. Stay away from "he said, she said" battles and focus on the goal, painful though it will be.

    I hope you find a way through, you've got a task on your hands but all 3 of you deserve more from life.

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