I have a wife who is handsome, strong, tall, a liker of me, a love of me but she is arrogant. She like me, no doubt but she is arrogant. Very stronger than me. It doesn't mean I am weak but she is extremely strong. She started beating me the 4th day of marriage. One day she thought I will run away, so she put a collar in my neck. From that day its a month ago. She never opened me. Our neighbors know it because she holds my collar and takes me any whee within town she wants. The problem is she likes me very much and she is rich and has a very high political approach. I liked her too but stopped liking he because of cruelty. I called police once but they did nothing because its a developing Asian country. Now I am sitting without clothes and have a collar around my neck and there is a servant near me who brought the laptop to me. The collar is not tight anyways. She thinks I will run away if the collar is removed and I am given free will. Can I convince her. When she comes I have to suck he feet sometimes o at least polish her shoes.