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Thread: Interview the person below you...

  1. #1486
    Gribble's Avatar
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    When I was in the third grade I had appendicitis. After having my appendix removed it hurt to do anything. I couldn't walk, I couldn't take a piss, worst of all I couldn't laugh. Anyway, I was in my hospital bed eating dinner when my dad decided to tell a joke. It got me to laughing but as I was laughing I got angry at him for causing me pain so I grabbed a pea from my dinner and winged it at his head as hard as I could. Nailed him right between the eyes. Of course that only made me laugh all the more. What a lovely experience that was.

  2. #1487
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    When I was in the third grade I had appendicitis. After having my appendix removed it hurt to do anything. I couldn't walk, I couldn't take a piss, worst of all I couldn't laugh. Anyway, I was in my hospital bed eating dinner when my dad decided to tell a joke. It got me to laughing but as I was laughing I got angry at him for causing me pain so I grabbed a pea from my dinner and winged it at his head as hard as I could. Nailed him right between the eyes. Of course that only made me laugh all the more. What a lovely experience that was.

  3. #1488
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiay View Post
    aw vash! you could help me with my essay then :|
    Knee surgery? well I hope all goes well.
    To understand postmodernism, you need to understand the narratives Western societies told themselves about the meaning of life *before* this era (God is all-knowing, all powerful; our lives have a sense of purpose, blah blah blah), and how it came to be that those narratives quit working. It is rather hard to define, but entirely transformed the way the western world looks at reality, taking a more subjective (rather than objective) view towards pretty much everything. Freud played a role by introducing modern psychology, Darwin's theory of evolution played another. Some people also consider Karl Marx to have been instrumental for his position that people operate solely for selfish reasons. The works of these three men tore apart the nice story Western society (a white, Christian, patriarchal society) had been telling itself, causing generations after WWI/WWII to question the meaning of life. There no longer exists a single narrative that is uniformly embraced. With regards to the effect this movement had on literature, you will find that stories began to be told from alternative points of view - rather than stories being focused on a white male perspective (for example) you will get stories told from the position of black Africans (Things Fall Apart) or women, or other "minority" points of view. I am not as knowledgeable about the effect on the art world, but I would imagine this explains in part the genius of Picasso and the like. I hope that helps.

    Gribble - funny story, and I thank you because I needed the laugh badly.

    Question: Does anyone but Tiay and myself find Postmodernism interesting?
    Last edited by vashti; 04-03-07 at 06:37 AM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #1489
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    aw vash, thank you for taking the time, that was really helpful. Yes, the principles seem much the same in the art world. I'm going to contrast David Carson's post-modern designs (Ray Gun magazine) with stuff like.. various Bauhaus people (herbert bayer, I think) searching for the "universal type"; ie, the one all-knowing all-purpose typeface.. that fruitless search seems silly in comparison to the visual richness of post-modern graphic design. The essay title says something about cultural pluralism, which i'm still not sure about. I guess globalisation, many cultures and minorities combining, etc, help fuel the eclecticism of post-modern design. I should also mention punk, pop art, kitch,.... that guy who made the sex pistols god save the queen cover.
    Maybe I can work in a photo from the Berlin college trip. I only saw a fraction of the architecture there, but it was still really good, especially the Jewish Museum (designed by Daniel Libeskind).. that was just amazing, I'd recommend it to anybody. My class only had a few hours there but I told my mom to go, and she was there like the entire day.

    Anyway, I wish this was structured in a better way. The History and Theoretical Studies lecturer is a total.. *total* bore. Her lectures consist of her reading her slides out loud without any interaction at all. It's hard to write and listen at the same time, so everybody just zones out and writes down the words. Frequently I look at my notes and think .. "i've never seen this before!"
    oh, somebody found out that most of her lecture text is all from one book, and it isn't footnoted, hahah..
    ok, maybe only I find that funny.

    next Q (sorta): tell a funny story

  5. #1490
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    I'm bout to double bag a bitch. I'll post about it later.

  6. #1491
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    I pretty much finished the essay now! woot! I have to hand it in early now as I have my US embassy interview on the due date (7th.) exciting.
    you're a fountain of knowledge, vashti, it amazes me that you hit all the points in a simple paragraph, that it took me seemingly years to source.

  7. #1492
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    Thanks Tiay, but what I wrote would have been meaningless had you not already known what I was talking about.

    What is the longest amount of time you have suffered from an injury?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  8. #1493
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    About 2 weeks, sprained ankle.

    Do have 'shuffle' on on ya Ipod?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  9. #1494
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    my injury stories are lame. I doubt the longest was much beyond a week. Though I did have a really bad reaction to penicillin as a kid- but I don't remember. I also dislocated a shoulder when my parents were swinging me around, but the doc just popped it back in and I also don't remember that. In fact, I don't think I was in hospital as a patient till I was like 17.

    hm.. I always have my ipod nano on shuffle. The little sleeve that came with it allows me to adjust volume, skip songs, and play/pause without taking it out of the sleeve or my pocket.

    nobodies yet told a funny story..

  10. #1495
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Funny story:

    I double bagged a bitch in my car last night. It was cold, and we were scrunched up in the back seat all over our clothes, and she soaked everything back there. I had a copy of my rough draft term paper back there, and it was just ****ing mutilated when I checked. My back seat is still wet. Imagine that.

    Oh, the funny part. I walked home and a used condom was stuck to my ass. My mom was like "What the hell is that????" and I was liek what? what? and then I made up a random story about how I was at this art dinner thing and I was walking out and people robbed me and pushed me into the street gutter, and the condom must have just stuck to my ass. It also explained why my clothes were soaking wet (because the girl squirted all over everything... I smelled like pussy though, and my mom obviously smelled the lie when I walked in the door.
    Last edited by anachronistic; 05-03-07 at 07:13 AM.

  11. #1496
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    the funny to disturbing ratio is a bit off, but okay..

  12. #1497
    Gribble's Avatar
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    I have a funny-ish story. My l'il sis' got a Wii for Christmas. Anyway, I was visiting my parents and my dad brought out the Wii and loaded up a tennis game for us to play. He'd been practicing since Christmas and he wanted to humiliate me. So we played and I beat him five times in a row. Not just beat, but skunked. He didn't get a single point. Needless to say, my dad was pissed. he swore to play me until he won. 20+ games and two hours later, he still hadn't won a single game. I gloated and mocked and finally he threw down the controller in defeat and went to bed.

    Next day he wakes me up bright and early, hands me a tennis racket and drags me off to a real court. We get out there and he proceeds to annihilate me. I mean I couldn't even return a serve. He was acing me left and right. Not only was he acing me, but the bastard was trying to nail me with tennis balls. It was all I could do to dodge and shield my precious family jewels. I guess he wasn't quite done, because after creaming me on the court he took me to the gym and proceeded to pump 315lbs. Oh, and my dad's fifty, by the way.


  13. #1498
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    hahahah, gribble, that's priceless! Reminds me of my dad... He can't stand that I beat his boxing training ('working the bag') score. I got 41 :>

    also, the tennis winning ratio is the same between my dad and my brother; my dad wins in real life and my brother wins on the wii. hmmm..
    Last edited by Tiay; 05-03-07 at 09:22 AM.

  14. #1499
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    Funny story:

    I double bagged a bitch in my car last night. It was cold, and we were scrunched up in the back seat all over our clothes, and she soaked everything back there. I had a copy of my rough draft term paper back there, and it was just ****ing mutilated when I checked. My back seat is still wet. Imagine that.

    Oh, the funny part. I walked home and a used condom was stuck to my ass. My mom was like "What the hell is that????" and I was liek what? what? and then I made up a random story about how I was at this art dinner thing and I was walking out and people robbed me and pushed me into the street gutter, and the condom must have just stuck to my ass. It also explained why my clothes were soaking wet (because the girl squirted all over everything... I smelled like pussy though, and my mom obviously smelled the lie when I walked in the door.

    That never uh happened did it Lilly Wing?

    She couldn't possiblly have made your clothes "soaking wet" with pussy juices because she "squirted all over them." Just sounds like you've been watching too much freaky porn.

    Also why would you **** a girl in the back seat of your car and then walk home?

    Also what's "double bagging a bitch?" ****ing her in two holes is all I can think of?

  15. #1500
    Gribble's Avatar
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    Double bagging a bitch is when you wear two raincoats.

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