Quote Originally Posted by dickriculous View Post
A lot. But rarely, if ever, do we hear about what happens later if said poster manages to get his/her gf/bf back.

What typically happens is Person A finally gets fed up with Person B's bullshit and leaves. Person B suddenly freaks out because he/she realizes that person A was Mr./Mrs. right and wants to be with that person forever. Then they find a way to get person A back. Then as soon as the novelty of having him/her back wears off Person B is taking Person A for granted again and right back to their old ways of treating Person A like shit. The cycle repeats itself until Person A finally wakes up and cuts Person B off for good (or puts up with being treated like shit for the rest of his/her life, whichever happens to float that persons boat).

If anything, in the above scenario Person B ends up having less respect for Person A because Person A shows him/herself as a safety net for Person B that Person B can just fall back on and have a nice, comfy security blanket no matter how many times he/she fucks up - a surefire way for Person A to ensure that he/she is never truly appreciated or respected by Person B.

That's why I can't watch a movie that involves a love story where some guy treats his girl like shit, she leaves, he tries everything in his power to get her back, he gets her back, and it ends with them being together again. All I can think about at that ending is "Wait a minute, wtf happens next? Is there a sequel that's going to explain how this relationship is going to work out down the road?" No, we are left to assume that they live happily ever after, even though them getting back together isn't even close to the real conclusion to their story. Could you imagine if a movie like Scarface suddenly ended midway through Tony Montana building his empire before we even found out Tony was to became Sosa's enemy and we were never given so much as had an allusion as to what may have happened? That's what those love stories are like.

I agree with this 100%. I think she should dump him, start dating again, and when she realizes there are many men who would treat her better-shell never want to go back again... but to achieve that goal-she first has to end it and it may make him wake up and learn not to take someone for granted as they can leave anytime they want