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Thread: Input&advice needed, (My story/problems with women)

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    the coast
    I still have about 10lbs to lose... I really want to achieve an 'athletic' look and tone, I want to be able to run 5 miles w/o stopping(up to 3 now), but yet still have some muscles to show off...

    What should I do to get this? I life weights 3x a week and do cardio 3x a week... I guess i could step up the weights... the abs are by far the hardest thing ever, but the thought of a 6 pack after having a keg for 10 years, always motivates me. But damn, still got that little pooch in the stomach.

    And yep, my first revelation(after realizing that I dont know anything in the universe) was that I needed to start losing weight again. I also have two friends, one quit being an alcoholic, and the other dropped a pill addiction because of it. God I love shrooms.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Start doing some research on building muscle. Losing weight and building muscle generally don't go hand in hand, although you will get leaner as you put on more muscle. Most people that lift seriously go very light on the cardio. Keep in mind that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns each and every minute. You'll be able to eat more without gaining weight.

    Speaking of eating more, here's the real quicker: You need to eat a lot to gain muscle! You can't build a house without a lot of wood, and your body can't build muscle without a lot of food. Lots of protein, and lots of healthy fats. Yes, fat is a very important part of any diet, but especially if you're trying to build muscle.

    I was stationed in Hawaii for four years, and you defiantly don't have to be a 9 or 10 to score. I don't know which island you're on, but take advantage of the constant stream of tourist looking to lose their inhibitions and have fun. They're ripe for the pickin' if you're just looking to have fun too (as you should be). They don't have to be one night stands. You can have week long romantic flings with nice girls. They're fun, and a good way to get the swing of being in a relationship without the complications.

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