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Thread: Should your Husband have close Female friends

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    This 18 yr old girl is not his "close female friend". He only knows her for not even a week therefore it's not a close friendship. Let me ask you, is this 18 yr old pretty? Does she have a perkier, sexier body than you? If so, then odds are your husband finds this young Indian more attractive than his old, white, ugly bag of a wife. It ain't rocket science
    Last edited by bcgirl; 21-05-13 at 12:35 AM.

  2. #17
    lalalita's Avatar
    lalalita Guest
    I posted something similar not too long ago. I, for one, can not be involved with a man who keeps very close female company. I want to be my man's best friend, the one who knows him best, his other half - not another female.

  3. #18
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lalalita View Post
    I posted something similar not too long ago. I, for one, can not be involved with a man who keeps very close female company. I want to be my man's best friend, the one who knows him best, his other half - not another female.
    I think most ppl are not reading the OP's other post about her hubby visiting India on vacation and just meeting a female friend. This isn't a longtime female friend from childhood but someone he just met a week ago that is younger, prettier and has a hotter body than his own wife that he went up to the hills with for hours and how calls her sister and threatened his wife with divorce over

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks for taking the time to break that down. I experienced that. My ex didnt like her but as a woman, i knew she liked him. We know these things. I know people say friends become yours and his. I already have my circle of girl friends and i know a guy wouldn't like a girl hanging with his friends. We all are mutual but thats where it ends.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lalalita View Post
    I posted something similar not too long ago. I, for one, can not be involved with a man who keeps very close female company. I want to be my man's best friend, the one who knows him best, his other half - not another female.
    Right. Next thing you know his female friend acting as if she understand him better and telling you how your man, how he like this and that and what he don't like. Trying to give you pointers. I don't think so.
    Last edited by Starnique; 21-05-13 at 12:52 AM.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcgirl View Post
    This 18 yr old girl is not his "close female friend". He only knows her for not even a week therefore it's not a close friendship. Let me ask you, is this 18 yr old pretty? Does she have a perkier, sexier body than you? If so, then odds are your husband finds this young Indian more attractive than his old, white, ugly bag of a wife. It ain't rocket science
    You got some nerve. She's black by the way and we age extremely well. How do you know that other bitch look better?
    Last edited by Starnique; 21-05-13 at 01:04 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    How come I wasn't able to read the read about them married for 2 months and the honeymoon thing? Tskkk!

    Well, to answer your question (which is based on what I read. Inform me if I miss something so I can update my reply), I think your husband don't need to change his cellphone number just to avoid his close girl friends for it will cause you, especially your husband, problems at work for example. It could be an answer for the meantime but it will not guarantee you that this problem will be solved if he does it. Before you made the decision of marrying him, you should have anticipated that he has his own set of close female friends and those will be automatically be your friends also. Along the way of your relationship, you may encounter scenarios that will possibly give you the opportunity to go along with them but if the situation is shifted on a different direction, like him being along with a specific close female friend alone, then it's a different story. For me, the most acceptable way to deal with this is to have a serious conversation with him regarding that topic. Express your sentiments, your thoughts about him being with his close girl friends, how do you feel about it, etc. It's not letting him feel pity on you but just plain informing him. You may both come to a position of bursting out with madness and having a hot conversation. If this happens, be patient for it will soon cool down so as much as possible you have to keep it light and warm. Understand that when you are already a couple, your freedom to mingle with your close female friends should be controlled or limited. It doesn't mean you have to stop seeing them but it should be always a win-win situation. It doesn't matter who is right and wrong, who's going to adjust and who's not, or how long does it gonna take before this conflict last. The important is, you learn to communicate with each other and have it solve with both of your efforts. Also, if you both agreed to religiously do what you both should do, bear in mind that you also have to give each other the time to adjust. Expect that it will be difficult to undergo such process. This will not only show how you love each other but will also reveal who's willing to take the extra mile to make things work between you. Usually, we see our partners as caring and thoughtful when things are running smoothly but when times of conflicts, they are putting their backs on you. So, it is also considered as your gauge as a partner. I'm sorry if I'm a bit safe but life's been so good to me that it provided me experiences that developed me to be better in decision making. It's not being martyr like others would call it but giving your relationship a chance to grow in love and trust is a great idea to consider. Just make sure that it's a win-win situation. =)

  8. #23
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    May 2013
    I really feel sorry for Michelle23 and starniquies men. I bet their collars are tight and make it hard to breathe at times. Michelle has to be one of the most uninformed hobby advice givers I have ever seen. Women like you have so little faith in your mens ability to be faithful that you try to control them with guilt. The result is they will leave you. BTW, been in a commited relationship for 23 years, there is nothing a woman like Michelle who has only had one BF can tell me abput being in a commited relationship. Of course, I have female friends so according to her I must be having an "emotional affair" hahahahahahaha

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber123 View Post
    How come I wasn't able to read the read about them married for 2 months and the honeymoon thing? Tskkk!
    Amber, we were referring to the poster's previous post here. Go to her profile and look it up from there.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    So the girl he calls is 'best friend' and 'sister' he has only known for less than two months?
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Twin Cities
    Here is a link to the previous and highly relevant thread:

    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bcgirl View Post
    This 18 yr old girl is not his "close female friend". He only knows her for not even a week therefore it's not a close friendship. Let me ask you, is this 18 yr old pretty? Does she have a perkier, sexier body than you? If so, then odds are your husband finds this young Indian more attractive than his old, white, ugly bag of a wife. It ain't rocket science
    LOL omg first of all I am black
    Secondly, I am not old
    Third, people of color always look 15 to 20 years younger, they age well
    Fourth, I wouldn't say that she is pretty. And as for her body, she has a flat ass she's skinny but no sexy shape. I on the other hand do have a veloptuous shape. Also for an
    18 year old girl, her titties hang. They should be perky at 18 but they are not. You know I remember when me and my husband was making love, he would say, Ooo your p***Y is better than any 16 year old? What the hell is that all about?
    Fifth if you think he finds this girl more sexier than me, what does that mean for my relationship?

  13. #28
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Am I crazy? View Post
    I really feel sorry for Michelle23 and starniquies men. I bet their collars are tight and make it hard to breathe at times. Michelle has to be one of the most uninformed hobby advice givers I have ever seen. Women like you have so little faith in your mens ability to be faithful that you try to control them with guilt. The result is they will leave you. BTW, been in a commited relationship for 23 years, there is nothing a woman like Michelle who has only had one BF can tell me abput being in a commited relationship. Of course, I have female friends so according to her I must be having an "emotional affair" hahahahahahaha

    i dont know why im even bothering to tolerate this with an answer but here goes. i have been with my bf for almost 5 years, never once had trust issues, never felt insecure and never stopped him from going anywhere, doing anything or talking to anyone. i trust him completely.

    however if he all of a sudden had a new best friend (female colleague) who he saw every day, went to lunch with, text every night and wanted to spend loadsa time with her-i would be worried
    and i would dump him.

    my bf gets on well with all my female friends,female relatives, his friends girlfriends etc but they are all my friends too and he dlesnt spend time alone with them just like i wouldnt with his friends. all im saying is tere are certain lines that you dont cross.
    i have a few male friends who i see every now and again on a night out but i dont ring them, text them, spend time alone with them etc

  14. #29
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    May 2013
    Michelle23, you completely contridicted yourself. If you trust him then why can he not have a close female friend? you my dear are denying your trust issues and are insecure. If you trust him then you should trust him well enough to have close female friends that are also NOT your friends.

  15. #30
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    Feb 2013
    but like i said already -platonic friendship can easily turn to more especially if your going through a rough patch. it has nothing to do with trust. he could accidently develop feelings for someone-it happens all the time.

    plus i have never told him he cant have a female best friend, hes never had one, never wanted one-im his best friend and hes mine. he has never given up any of his friends for me.

    i am not insecure and iv never been jealous. but whether you want to believe it or not emotional affairs do exist and its not worth throwing something great down the toilet for which does happen.

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