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Thread: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  1. #16
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    I would see it but unfortunatly i am not 12 anymore.
    yea thats nice , but when you have 5 little kids bothering you to come and you cant tell them off or bribe them ( candy , chocolat , a smack if you keep bothering uncle grumpy ) ... ya kinda have no choice ... unless you want to keep getting annoyed till your ears bleed

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    yea thats nice , but when you have 5 little kids bothering you to come and you cant tell them off or bribe them ( candy , chocolat , a smack if you keep bothering uncle grumpy ) ... ya kinda have no choice ... unless you want to keep getting annoyed till your ears bleed
    I understand.
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    "because I paid attention in science class."

  3. #18
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zekk_T_Strife
    I kinda feel let down when I see a movie that's under two hours. That's just a personal preference though, I adore movies.
    While I do enjoy movies.

    I'm definitely not the kind of person who buys hundreds of dvd's.

    I'm very picky with what movies I buy.

    I have to know that I'm going to watch it multiple times, so it better be a damn good movie.

    By the way, has anyone seen any Kill Bill special edition double packs?

    I wanna buy 'em but I don't wanna get 'em seperately if I can find them together with some possible extras.

  4. #19
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    i just buy my all time favorites , like rocky ... but the rest i just get them off ... as dvd rips or wtv .... i never get shitty quality movies ... im a grade A freeby taker on the net ... never buy any software .

    i also never pay for mp3 players ... why pay when you can scam the system with loop holes ...

    im what i like to call a "smart free consumer"

    im probably one of the ppl than have the most bang for the buck ...
    200 $ = a whole library of movies and guarantee at least 6 years of free mp3 players all worth 200$ each , and i get a brand new one every year , with better features ... i might not have as much $ as everyone else but i compensate with my skills ... so all in all , im about equal ...if not , i have better "materials" than most ppl .
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 26-11-05 at 11:45 PM.

  5. #20
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    HP-GOF: it was OK. Unless you are a die-hard fan, I'd wait for the DVD (I saw a bootleg copy from a friend). Dark; not for little kiddies. And very crammed content, (even tho its 2.5+ hrs); you may be a little lost if you haven't read the book. But not bad for a night out if your expectations aren't too high.

    I hear "Crash" is much better, tho haven't seen it yet...

  6. #21
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    Aug 2005
    Crash is way better . this is an underrated movie .

  7. #22
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    Georgia, USA
    Careful with with the bragging, LV. Big Brother IS watching.

    Actually, the whole pop-culture "file-sharing" scene is a lot like cheating in a relationship. Almost everybody does at one time or another, all gambling that we won't get caught doing it. Both behaviors say a lot about the strength of commitment we have to principle. Maybe, the struggle to find and keep good love relationships is just practice for maintaining fidelity to principles we say we value. And vice-versa.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 27-11-05 at 07:28 PM.
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  8. #23
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    Aug 2005
    hey , its only fair if you realize it . they overprice most things , including gas and food . its only normal that we do our part to make it equal .

    they sell cd's that cost 2 cents to make , to the price of 80 $ (canadian , thats an average game cost here , music , 18 $ , movies 26$ , theatre 9$...)

    here in montreal we have one of the highest tax rates in the world ... why ?
    all because of the stupid mistakes the gouverment made here . not to mention health care that is abused by the baby boomers ... the old geezers have nothing to do all day so they go to the hospital every week just to have something to do , and wait in the waiting rooms while reading free magazines .

    i shouldnt have to pay such high taxes , i never even used any of these services ... something costs 100$ , you pay 115$ ... thats 15% of tax ... crazy ... on EVERYTHING .... and its going to keep going like this for about 20-30 years ... all because of the old bastards called baby boomers ( no offence whaywardj and parents ) and all those decisions they made , when ill be old , the young ones wont have so much pain in the ass to deal with old geezers like ill be . wtv , im just playing the system , just like the system plays me . it wounlt be so bad if they werent trying to screw us all in the ass sideways with a damn baseball bat .

  9. #24
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    Georgia, USA
    Hey. What's fair and what's the law are seldom the same. Just because I can rationalize a personal legitimacy for downloading torrents doesn't mean any authority which cares to won't crack my ass for doing it should it want to. Doesn't matter whether you use services your taxes pay for or not. You're not paying them for YOUR benefit. You paying them the other guy's benefit. Frequent corruption of it's intent notwithstanding, it's the only way anyone's figured out yet how to assure everybody in a society looks out for the other guy a little. You got a better way? Make it law. Us baby-boomers did. What's stopping you X- and Y-gens from doing the same? Too comfortable in your insulated world us baby-boomers made possible for you, perhaps, to get out of it and go fight the good fight?

    BTW, I don't like any of it anymore than you do. Personally, I think FAR too many governments seriously confuse capitalism and governance. They aren't the same. Try telling that to a "free market" (so-called) advocate, though. Waste of your breath.

    On that point: Check out "[URL=http://www3.ifcfilms.com/theedukators/]The Edukators[/URL]." Neat little film.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 28-11-05 at 03:17 AM.
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  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I think I start to understand why some people hate books...
    Where is the fire?
    Don't expect anything.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Georgia, USA
    Like the sound of that, Boobaa. Not sure I understand it, but like the sound of it. LOL!
    Speak less. Say more.

  12. #27
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by boobaa
    I think I start to understand why some people hate books...
    Where is the fire?

    Huh? Burning books?!? WFT?? And Hayward agreeing? I MUST be missing something...

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I liked it... but I didnīt at the same time

    itīs diferent of the book.. but itīs ok, and dark.. itīs not for kids, they would be scared
    Y morirme contigo si te matas, y matarme contigo si te mueres,
    porque el amor cuando no muere mata, porque amores que matan nunca mueren

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I loved all Harry Potter films. I've seen Goblet of Fire , I loved it as well and planing to go see it in the movie!
    The Main and maybe the only thing why I watched them is [URL=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0914612/]Emma Watson[/URL], She's cute!
    Last edited by G-TEX; 21-12-05 at 05:19 PM.

  15. #30
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    Emma Happy New Year !!

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