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Thread: I Quit Smoking Today

  1. #16
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    Yes I would agree, as I have an addictive personality.. And a lot of times It's not even about will power as many may think, when your mind and your body get addicted to something it's not easy to totally alter that at once. But can be done!!
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  2. #17
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    Quitting smoking should be easy; everytime you crave a cigarette, look at your kids; now imagine not seeing them goto their prom, getting married, experiencing their first true love, them having kids and you experiencing that with them.

    If that doesn't work, imagine them suffering everytime they breath, and slowly being sufficated to death, over the course of years. (That's what they're going to be seeing in you).

    Emphasema has been likened to trying to blow up a balloon with hundreds of tiny pinhole in it; to trying to breathe with someone sitting on your chest; running a marathon only being able to breathe thru a straw.

  3. #18
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LLoyd sweetie, I agree it should be easy, and those things do work to keep you motivated not to pick up that next smoke. But a lot of times, it doesn't come that easy..Something you do when you drive, after you eat, when you get bored,etc....is habit that comes routine. And aside from a chemical going into your body, it's mental as well. Like I said, it can still be done..but sometimes it's just not that easy.

    When i found I was pregnant I was a coffee drinking smoker....My doctor told me not to quit everything at the same time because it would shock my system and to take it gradually. I quit smoking first cold turkey.....then took away the coffee.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  4. #19
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    For me personally, when it comes to my kids, I would do anything; maybe it's just me. I would even give up LF.c, shocking as that may seem.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    Yes, quit that old relationship. That's good to stick with. As far as the smoking, are you going cold turkey or using something to assist you in quitting? It will be really tough going cold turkey.
    I'm wearing "the patch". It works wonders (I've used it before, such as on business trips) but I have a terrible allergic reaction to it... so I have to put a new one on in a different place every day. It leaves a swollen feverish square for a few days each time - so it's a temporary solution (until I run out of unaffected spots to put a patch).

    I'm considering trying out the gum next, as I havent tried that one before.

    Smoking is not just a bad habit, and a mental addiction - but also a physical addiction. It's not easy... and as a smoker, I'm already guilt-ridden. So all those images you put in my head Lloyd... already there. That's why the desire to quit has always been there - actually doing it has been another story. I grew up with smoking parents. Smoking grandparents. And in an area where smoking is still socially accepted... and non-smokers are in the minority.

    So, those are my excuses for smoking as long as I have. My reasons for quitting are selfish: my health, my money and my weight (I lose weight when I quit - because the pepsis & junk food are part of the "lifestyle" as a smoker). Obviously those things benefit my children as well - and I *do* have their best interests in mind.

    I have rationalized the smoking thing over the last decade by saying "I've given up everything else in my life... this is my one thing". I quit drinking, for example... and I was a heavy drinker years ago. I had to close down my shop and work from home (to be here for my children full time). I've made A LOT of sacrifices. This one (smoking) just took longer than the others. The others, of course, had more obvious/immediate effects.

    I'm ready to do this. I AM doing this. And so far, it feels GREAT!

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    For me personally, when it comes to my kids, I would do anything; maybe it's just me. I would even give up LF.c, shocking as that may seem.
    How old are your children? (just curious)

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by independent
    How old are your children? (just curious)
    4 3/4, 2 3/4 and 4 months.

  8. #23
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Lloyd's little girl he has a picture of in the gallery is SO CUTE.. with those pretty brown eyes..

  9. #24
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    I've quit smoking weed 14 times in the past month. (relapses happen)

  10. #25
    Illusional's Avatar
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    i was gonna quit drinking, but then i decided not to because it was for a girl that didn't wanna be with me. go figures that i'd turn back to drinking huh?

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  11. #26
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    omg, i think im drinking to much...am i an alcoholik if i get trashed every week 2 times, like friday and saturday? i feel bad for this..

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    No, that doesn't make you an alcoholic.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    It makes you a pansy; can't drink Thursdays too?

  14. #29
    Tone's Avatar
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    L M A O ! ! !

  15. #30
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    I've heard hypnotism works. I'd be interested to see if they offer it locally (or within 100 miles at least).

    I'm not sure how many days I'm going to physically suffer?? I assume 3-5. The withdrawels alone are enough to encourage me to stay quit - it's horrible how this stuff gets a hold on you!

    As for Friday/Saturday drinking... No LOL, you're not an alcoholic. You ARE when you have vodka in your orange juice at home on a Tuesday morning-- all alone. That one I gave up years ago, and have proudly stuck to it. Mine was less a disease/addiction and more of a crutch... so I can have a drink or two on a night out 2-3 times a month and it doesnt bother me (unless I have 2 or 3 LOL, then I need a ride home haha).

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