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Thread: Ex Stayed Over?!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I told you what the spooning was all about... she's crazy and immature and someone who wants to use your feelings for her against you by using you for her real live teddy bear, cuddle bitch emotional tampon. As I also said, you wouldn't cuddle with your male platonic friends so why let your female ones do it?

    Ditch and don't speak to her anymore or you'll end up stagnating in this friendship to the point where you'll stop pursuing other women because you're still hung up on her but pretending it's just a friendship. You've broken up. Don't let her demote you from boyfriend to male girlfriend.

    Good for you for asking outright so now you know where you stand and you can disengage and move on.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    So Ive woke up today with a new look on things and would like your opinions...Yes i love this girl very much indeed, and do not want to loose her out my life completley...SO can i be friends with her, if i get in the friend zone in my head and feelings wise...While we were in a realtionship we were the best of friends, and had a good time, over the weekend when she did come over i enjoyed spending time with her...i didnt get butterflies i was nervous but thats because i hadnt seen her in so long right? Maybe i over analysed things way too much, i have way too much time to do this ye see....mayb i didnt and maybe she does have feelings for me but she is never going to admit these ever!!!
    Can i focus on a good friendship here and respect thats all she wants from me? Im not really wanting to go NC because thats not what either of us want, we still want to be part of eachothers lifes...If i stop stressing, over analyzing and reading into things too much, can this friednship work? I dont want to give up and give in to something and someone that means alot to me, and will always...We obv miss eachother as people, and company, but as shes said nothing more, now im questioning if i could even actually get back together with her even if she wanted too, and there was no butterflies for me, and i didnt want to go in and kiss her properly when she kissed me goodnight and nor did i want to try anything....? I am confused about how i actually feel about her in the romantic sense, but i do know for sure i want her as a friend in my life as she is special to me! Should i just relax and lets things happen on there own, if its meant to be it will happen, at lease this way the doors still open for contact for both parties and we will have made a good friendship out of it...Maybe she will see ive learned from my mistakes and wouldnt repeat the past, and i can and have changed as a person so can at least be a good friend to her? she said to me once "you hurt me i cut you out my life" we loved eachother very much and i made a big mistake, but you just dipose of feelings like that can you and not feel like that anymore right?! Dosent just disappear BUT you can make yourself and control yourself and bury it to back of your head, which i think is what shes done... Im figuring she may have feelings as she would not contact me, or want to be friends, BUT she will never admit them or let me back in, in that way...so i think today is a day of me accepting this maybe? And if i dont expect anything from now i cant get hurt right?! So is friendship the road i take, and maybe this hurt and lingering feelings will fade and i will have gained a friend too x

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Please! Why would you want someone in your life that has demoted you from lover to "just friend." She'll suck you dry and keep you tied up mentally and emotionally so that you'll lose out on girls that actually want you as "best friend and lover" in an actual reciprocal and committed relationship. No new girl will understand your obsession with your female friend if you're foolish enough to try and keep her as a "friend."

    Stop the desperate, codependent thinking and stop being afraid to be without her. Go zero contact and soon enough you'll have the right frame of mind to realize that you don't need her in your life and you'll not want her to keep you in her emotional clutches. How the hell are you going to feel when she has a new boyfriend and all of a sudden she doesn't have time for you?
    Last edited by Wakeup; 17-04-13 at 01:49 AM.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Please! Why would you want someone in your life that has demoted you from lover to "just friend." She'll suck you dry and keep you tied up mentally and emotionally so that you'll lose out on girls that actually want you as "best friend and lover" in an actual reciprocal and committed relationship. No new girl will understand your obsession with your female friend if you're foolish enough to try and keep her as a "friend."

    Stop the desperate, codependent thinking and stop being afraid to be without her. Go zero contact and soon enough you'll have the right frame of mind to realize that you don't need her in your life and you'll not want her to keep you in her emotional clutches. How the hell are you going to feel when she has a new boyfriend and all of a sudden she doesn't have time for you?
    Well i suppose after hurting her i am grateful for her accepting me in her life as a friend she dosent have too she could just cut me off!!!
    And its been 6 months and took me this amount of time to get here im trying to be an adult and matture about the whole situation! She is very dear to me and we still care for one another so why cant any of what i say work?!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I just told you why... read it again.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    I just told you why... read it again.
    Well i think what i said seems fairly ok shes worth it if i het a friend in the end!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You're call Mat.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Confusion86 View Post
    Well i think what i said seems fairly ok shes worth it if i het a friend in the end!
    You're a dipshit. Have fun with your friend.

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