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Thread: I've given up

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JD! View Post
    I used to be like you, heartbrkenagain. I'd given up, resolved myself that I'd never find anyone. However, upon starting back at Uni this year I met a girl who is amazing in all kinds of ways. We quickly became friends but I assumed she'd have no romantic interest in me so I was just myself with her. Now, I'm a huge geek so I was always going on about things like Doctor Who, comics, movies, and so on. No that that was all I'd talk about, but I in NO way hid how passionate I was about those things. I thought she'd see me as most girls do - a cute, geeky guys who is a great friend but nothing more. Well, lo and behold while at her place watching Doctor Who she leaned into me and we help hands for the episode. After the episode we kissed and now we are dating and I couldn't be happier.

    Now, my point is be who you are. Not all guys only want sex and boobs, some of us actually care about what kind of person you are and THAT is what we find attractive. I know it can feel like you'll never find anyone, as I said I've been there, but it will happen, and you'll never expect it when it does.

    Best of luck to you.
    I love DR Who, one of the best shows ever It's refreshing to hear from a guy who can relate. Often I think only women go through these things. Thanks for your reply.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sienn View Post
    well it's good to be optimistic, i guess... i've got a cousin who is pretty, comes from a good family and well-established in her career. she is in her 40's now, single and has recently adopted a kid. she wants to get married as her siblings are all married. but some how ... ??

    and what makes you think becoming a lesbian will make it easier ?

    do you have any idea why "you want love but love doesn't want you" ?
    I know for a fact being a lesbian is not any easier, I have a few Lesbian friends and they share their stories with me. I guess I just assumed there must be something about me that turns guys off, so maybe, I wasn't meant to be with a man, but I realized that was a bunch of BS and got over it. I kept seeing girls/women over and over again who just treat their men like crap, and I don't get it. Why would you treat someone you love claim to love like that.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by LailaK View Post
    Don't give up! I'm in the same boat you are. I can't seem to find the right one and when I do he's not interested. I don't cry myself to sleep at night, I just tell myself that the one for me is right around the corner and I just have to live life, enjoy life, and better myself in preparation for something wonderful.

    Love will happen. Be happy about that fact.
    Thank you for sharing

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I think one thing that makes this so difficult is that I care so much. I have friends who really didn't care of they got married or not, they were truly content, guess what they're all married. I prayed to be like them to not care. This is actually the most vunerable I've been about how I feel, I don't want to appear desperate or needy so I, make sure not to talk about too often, nobody likes a killjoy. Thanks everyone for your helpful comments, it's comforting to know to know others have been or are going through it. Thanks for listening to my heart.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Syracuse, NY
    Funny how they aren't looking and they find it. I've had trouble dating because I'm on the outs of a break up and I've been trying hard to fill that void. It hasn't been working for me. And I've never had a problem with dating before.
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

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