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Thread: headache

  1. #16
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    Seattle WA
    HAHA first youre horny now you have a headache. how cliché!

    Anyway I think you have the exact same problem as me.

    I used to get headaches every other day. I didnt know what caused them because I didnt sleep right, eat right, drink right, my parents were always drunk and yelling, tv was always on loud, it could have been anything. I took advil and sometimes it works sometimes to no avail.

    Then I moved away from my parents and my headaches went down to about two a month. Amazing difference. I started realizing a pattern. My headache are always in my left temple throbbing away. I changed my eating, sleeping, exercising and sleeping habits to much better ones and I still would get them.

    I started studying and studying and found out ( oh brain tumors are very very rare btw) that my headaches are caused by the way I perceive stress. Meaning when theres a stressful situation , its how I take it in, what I think of it. Example my parents are drunk and yelling at each other, me: "god this is happening again, i can never do my homework, I need to break it up before it starts getting bloody again, why cant I live in a normal house where this doesnt happen.." then i start thinking about how some other families dont have to deal with what I deal with and it would make me sad or whatever. Anyway I was conditioned into everytime I SAW alcohol I became sad. Ive also been conditioned into thinking that everytime i take advil, its helping (if i was given a fake advil then it would have the same effect on me 'placebo effect')

    anyway point is, when I get overemotional and overreact about bills not being paid or something that can be easily solved I stress out and get a fu(king headache. When I take things slow and Im like "okay they say i didnt pay it but im sure I did, im going to check my records and give them a call and it will all be fixed.." then i dont get headaches! When i moved out of my parents house the stress was massively reduced and I got less headaches though I didnt know why but after I took a psychology class I became way more self aware and can manipulate my thoughts to stop myself from stressing out and overreacting.

    Sometimes i still get them for seemingly no reason but not nearly as often.

  2. #17
    qwertz's Avatar
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    thanks for that, I wouldnt say i get easily or over stressed about things, im not a worrier and to be honest, im pretty laid back. Yeh my days are hectic, but i really dont see a link between certain things and my headache starting.

    Ive even been in a deep sleep and then woken up because my head has started pounding and the pain has woken me up.
    I drink loads..i drink glass after glass at work lol!

    Ive had one appointment with a neurologist but have to go back tomorrow so i guess i'll know more then.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  3. #18
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    wow, qwerty, this has been going on a bit right?....in the meantime are the painkillers working at all? and I hope they can give you some answers tomorrow, are you waiting for results or something?

  4. #19
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    yeh, im having a CT scan tomorrow. I have prescription painkillers, they do take the edge off but i can only use them in the evenings as they make me drowsy.
    Its coming and going, today has been a good day so far and ive only needed to take 3 doses of painkiller...which is a good day
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  5. #20
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    I know they checked your blood sugar Q, but the only way to properly check that is over a 24 hour time frame. I know it's a pain in the ass, but maybe you could get a glucometer, or know someone that has one and check it a few times a day. Especially when you're waking up...

    Just a thought

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123 View Post
    Ive even been in a deep sleep and then woken up because my head has started pounding and the pain has woken me up.
    oh man this has only happened to me a few times before but I feel your pain! headaches are a true bitch that can mess up a day to a week. Sounds like you get constant migraines which are so much worse. I don't know why you get them or how to get rid of them but Ill tell you something that helps me when I get a migraine.

    have you ever used head-on? its not the best stuff, it breaks apart, is expensive and not very strong. the migraine head-on seems weaker, but they kind of work because they slightly have a icy-hot thing going on, which distracts you from the pain. Well, point is, if you ever go to desert sun tanning salon or if you buy Fiji Blend Tantric Tanning Lotion, ask for the euphoric oil that comes with it (if you go to the salon they will sell you or give you them individually..) try rubbing it on your temples. It has a strong oranges smell you have to get used to but it feels soooooo good when you have a bad headache. Ive never found anything like it

  7. #22
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    Well they have put it down to my BS levels now as everything else seems ok.
    I was kinda hoping it would be something else that i could 'fix'. I have really poor eating habits and finding it really hard to eat regularly to keep my BS levels good, its an ongoing battle that im losing at the minute.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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