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Thread: nintendo wii

  1. #16
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Moogle View Post
    thats pretty good; my own equipment is outdated; in my freetime i use photoshop 7 and 3ds max 5.0, at work i am a graphic artist, where i use cs(not cs 2) and at school i use maya and cs 2, and i can currently work with any of the new programs at my school (i believe the latest 3ds max available is 8?)

    and i'd show you art work but im too lazy to get a photo thingy on the internet and yea.
    Haha, yeah. I'm not too much of a CG artist, though. I'm a coder. So far, I've got PHP, CGI/Perl, C, C++, Java, XML/CSS, VB6, VB.NET, ASP, ASP.NET, and I'm trying to hit up ASM right now. I'm actually making a game with a friend at the moment, so I've got my hands full with C++.

  2. #17
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathu View Post
    Haha, yeah. I'm not too much of a CG artist, though. I'm a coder. So far, I've got PHP, CGI/Perl, C, C++, Java, XML/CSS, VB6, VB.NET, ASP, ASP.NET, and I'm trying to hit up ASM right now. I'm actually making a game with a friend at the moment, so I've got my hands full with C++.
    thats cool. i can tell you like coding by your signature , which by the way is a hefty piece of art too.

    i tried the html thing. that's the only computer language i'm familiar with(and a bit of javascript and dhtml). this is only because i worked as a webdesigner for a few years. i have a c++ for dummies book sitting on my shelf, because i wanted to make a game and some shit like that, but i gave up after chapter 2. the gnu cd didn't work, i dont want to buy vb and i dont want to learn it anymore lol. i should sell the damn book on ebay.

    happy game-making. i still fool around with shit programs like rpg maker. i use rm2k rm2k3 and rmxp. i write long descriptive stories for each game, and then after a month of working on it all by myself i make up a new one. i have a closetfull of scripts lol. it does, however, turn you into a good writer; i have a language arts award for some of the poems and stories i've written

  3. #18
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    If you're interested and you're serious enough, you should help me and my friend develop this game of ours. No flaking out unless you want to get your ass kicked, though.

  4. #19
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathu View Post
    If you're interested and you're serious enough, you should help me and my friend develop this game of ours. No flaking out unless you want to get your ass kicked, though.
    what the hell kind of game? fps?

    sure i'll try to model something for ya if you give me a concept sketch. i will pm you about it

  5. #20
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Nope, we're just making an advanced, GPU-consuming Pong game.

  6. #21
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathu View Post
    Nope, we're just making an advanced, GPU-consuming Pong game.
    lol im not sure if you are joking or not, because i dont know you that well. for real?

    thats not what i expected. i pmed you about it, however. send me some info

  7. #22
    Illusional's Avatar
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    dammit, 3 pages long already... well i think that the wii is probably a very good system, however when compared to the ps3, it will lose. let's take a little journey back into time if you will...

    the cube.. it was a very powerful system, and those little disc that it read off, amazing. shit, i won't lie, i have both the cube and the ps2. but which do i play more?? childish games are only fun when you are drunk, and being the cube is certainly more fun when you have more people around, i never play the cube. it's all about the ps.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #23
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional View Post
    dammit, 3 pages long already... well i think that the wii is probably a very good system, however when compared to the ps3, it will lose. let's take a little journey back into time if you will...

    the cube.. it was a very powerful system, and those little disc that it read off, amazing. shit, i won't lie, i have both the cube and the ps2. but which do i play more?? childish games are only fun when you are drunk, and being the cube is certainly more fun when you have more people around, i never play the cube. it's all about the ps.

    i liked the cube but i got burnt out by the games after i beat them and i have a few games for ps2 that i liked. armored core series was one. but i don't think i will get burnt out of wii games because of the advance game play

  9. #24
    Illusional's Avatar
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    well although the titles are good... like the zelda series, i think that the one thing that nintendo does lack is variety. have the seen the nintendo section at the game stores lately?? it's usually in the back of the store in usually is about a shelf wide. however on the other hand, the xbox and ps filled the rest of the wall. sad but true, nintend was once the king of video games. it's time to retire the crown.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional View Post
    well although the titles are good... like the zelda series, i think that the one thing that nintendo does lack is variety. have the seen the nintendo section at the game stores lately?? it's usually in the back of the store in usually is about a shelf wide. however on the other hand, the xbox and ps filled the rest of the wall. sad but true, nintend was once the king of video games. it's time to retire the crown.

    Give the Wii time. The Wii is very popular and seems to be gaining more developers as well. Part of the reason why the GameCube failed was that EA did not make any games for it. EA is making games for the Wii and the DS. I believe there are already two EA games out for the the Wii. Granted they most probably suck, but EA does sell tho.

    But I don't think Nintendo needs to give up its crown at all. They saved the video game industry when they first came into the business and they are doing it again.

  11. #26
    Junket's Avatar
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    I'm pickin' up an Xbox 360 for this game!

    Viva Pinata:

    Most every other game I have revolves around death, so this is title looks refreshing to me.

  12. #27
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    YES! VIVA PINATA! That game looks like so much fun
    People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling

  13. #28
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    frasbee, that game DOES look refreshing. if i ever buy an xbox 360 i will probably buy that game too. thanks for sharing!

  14. #29
    Illusional's Avatar
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    with the wii... i'm already jumping for joy because i can to play with a magical stick. oh shit, i'd better not giving it to giga before she steals it... jealousy corrupts all.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  15. #30
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional View Post
    because i can to play with a magical stick.
    are you drunk?

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